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Message 1 of 8

MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

Can you change the email address for the MY BT account ? Want to break link to a 2nd email address we use with similar email address as had issues that system changed both emails passwords which affected my wife's account despite only doing it on one. Then link My BT again.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

You should "Gift" your wife's email account to her then she can set up her own MyBT and BTID which will allow her to manage her email account rather than it being linked to your account.

This will alow both of you to change your email passwords without affecting each other's password.

See link and sub-links how to do that.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

Thank you for this response. I will chat through with my wife. MyBT and BTID are linked to her email at present but not mine. If I go through whole process for her do I need then to create a new link to MYBT/BTID for myself? I am the main account holder, we both have BT email and my wife also has Mobile contract albeit EE now was BT.
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Message 4 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

I am assuming that you and your wife only have one BTID and one MyBT.

Is that correct?

If it is correct and the BTID and MyBT are her email address it would appear that her email has either already been gifted to her or more likely her email account is the main one.

You need to log onto MyBT and check in Your Details then Account to see what status she has.

Does your email address appear any where in the MyBT?

Was your email address set up at the same time as your wife's?

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Message 5 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

I set up both emails and mine was first. 1 digit difference in names for ease.
Think issues came and may gifted/transferred account to her when she took out a mobile contract with BT so she needed the communications. Now with EE so separate again.
I am the named account holder and my mobile but 2 emails attached to account for MYBT BTID are my wife's email and one to sign into My BT.
I only have an email sign in no separate account for BTID that I can see.
Should we have 1 each ?
As no mobile now could I just transfer back to my email address?
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Message 6 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

I think it is getting a bit complicted to try and sort out via messages on the Forum so I have notified the moderators of the Forum about your problem.

Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

Thank you for doing this for me. Sorry if I am confusing matters.
My wife goes mad with me doing things on the computer that I don't fully understand and probably cause situations. She just wants to use the email and leave rest re account, service and billing to me. I changed password on BTID and it also changed her email for some reason which did not please her hence I would prefer to separate and take back control. I appreciate your time.
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Message 8 of 8

Re: MY BT change sign in email address to break link to 2nd email address.

Hi @Glassback1,

Thank you for posting. Send me your details and I'll take a look at this for you.

I have sent you a private message with instructions for contacting the team. You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



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