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Message 1 of 8

Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents

CoVid came about and I was waiting for my fibre installation - they could only install in the closest point of entry (which they wouldn't have needed to if OpenReach had honoured the first call).

The closest point of entry is the opposite side of the house to where I work so I was getting low signal.

I spoke to BT and they told me that I could sign up to their BT Halo package for a few months until they were able to reinstall my fibre connection closer to where I work after Covid restrictions relaxed. I agreed.

Come time to have the re-installation, they told me that I still had 18 months of my Halo deal left. What? I never signed up for that.

I complained and managed to get out of the deal, great. However, when I spoke to the agent, they told me I could downgrade my service to a cheaper rate and slightly slower speed to see out my contract until May 2022. I recently found out that I've now been put on another 24 month deal until October 2023!

Not only that but when I told them I was moving house, they said that I needed to add on another 12 months' rental in order for me to move it. That's contradictory to their Ts and Cs.

Only on a call in the last month has someone had the decency to tell me that every time that you change package, you start a new 24 month contract - I was never told this by any agent on a call for the past 2 years prior to this!

I'd really like to speak to a senior manager to resolve this please.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents


This is just a customer to customer help forum, everyone here, including myself, are just customers.

The only BT Employees are the forum moderators.

Message 3 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents

Hi Keith,

Thanks, do you have any tips in how I can speak to someone who isn't an agent?


0 Ratings
Message 4 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents


Normally if you change your package, a new 24 month contract starts.

All I can do is to ask a moderator to post here, with advice.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents

I'd appreciate that Keith, thank you

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents

did you not get email or letter confirming your changes to your contract and specifying the terms including contract terms?  or did you just assume everything was ok?

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents


Not only that but when I told them I was moving house, they said that I needed to add on another 12 months' rental in order for me to move it. That's contradictory to their Ts and Cs.

It's part of the terms, if you have longer than 12 months remaining, it doesn't impact anything.

24. What happens when you move home
a. BT Phone service: If you move home and want us to provide the BT Phone service at your new address, you may have to enter into a new contract for the new telephone line with a 12-month minimum term. We'll tell you about this at the time. If you have already paid for 12 months' line rental at your old address, you can carry it over to your new address. If you haven't reached the end of the minimum term for your existing call plan when you move, you can carry that over too.


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Message 8 of 8

Re: Miss-sold Package Terms by BT Agents

Hi @Romel,

Thank you for posting and welcome to the Community. I'm sorry if things didn't go smoothly with your upgrade to Full Fibre. The details @-Richie- has posted are correct, you may have to enter into a new contract with a 12-month minimum term when moving home if you have less than 12 months remaining on your current deal.

If you send me your details, I'd be happy to take a look at this for you. I  have sent you a private message with instructions on how to contact the team.  You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages



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