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Message 1 of 7

Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint


Last week I tried to add TV to my account under the current £6 offer.  After having problems placing the order online, I rang through and the agent also had the same error. 

When my service started last year, there were a considerable amount of issues, from installation issues, missed appointments and being cut off twice when Openreach connected someone else in the building. As a result, there was credit added to the account that meant I didn't pay a bill until this year. At that point there was an issue with the direct debit and the date it was taken. It was mess, but it was all resolved. Or so I thought...

As a result of the issues, it appears BT's internal approval system wouldn't allow TV be added. After speaking with someone they explained that they could see this was as a result of the previous issues and would correct it. And then they put me on hold... and cut me off. 

I tried calling again, more problems. They couldn't see any previous notes on the account and didn't know who to raise it with. 

And finally, after a tour of BT call centres around the UK, on Saturday I spoke with someone in the Value team who I was led to believe had fixed the error with TV with billing, and completed the order (to the point where they read out terms and conditions), she also said she was able to lower the cost of the broadband package too - down to £55. Perfect! She explained that it'd go on my account as the full, higher amount but her manager would amend the price to the offer before it closed. They didn't. 

Now I still don't have TV, and I've got a broadband package that's £10 a month more than what I started out with! 

I was told to submit  a complaint, explaining the issues and whilst I can see that it's been read, there's no update - more than a week on. Twice it's said 'we'll call you on xx', but no call.

How do I get this escalated? I can't face trying to explain all of this to someone in the call centres again, after speaking with 5 people in the last few weeks, not one has been able to resolve this issue, or give me an update. 

Please! It really shouldn't be this hard, right?!

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint

Hi @DaveSwan, thanks for posting. Sorry that you've had a poor experience trying to add tv to your account and had the price of your broadband package increased.

I've sent you a Private Message so you can get in touch with the Mod team and we'll be happy to help you with this.



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Message 3 of 7

Re: Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint

24 hours later and still no call or message about this. I sent my details via PM yesterday afternoon and haven’t heard back from anyone. Again.

Getting really fed up of this now. Why does it take THIS much effort to get someone to contact me?

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint

The mods on here are a small team who work through issues in the order they are received, they will respond to you when your query has reached the top of the queue

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint

After sending the reply yesterday, the account was worked on twice - hours apart. I can see that on the complaint tracking. 

There’s no way for me to know who that was or what action they took. All I know is I’ve still not been contacted… by any part of BT - forum moderator or president.  

All it would of taken was a call to acknowledge the issue and reassurance that it was being looked at. 

What has it come to when you have to complain about complaining!?

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint

Hi @DaveSwan,

Thank you for posting. I'm sorry if your complaint hasn't been resolved. I've check our queue and I can see that we do have your details. We still have a number of cases ahead of you in the queue and we'll reply as soon as we can.

Please accept my apology for the delay.

If you can't wait for a response from the Moderation Team and you would like you case picked up sooner, please give BT a call on 0800 800 150.



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Message 7 of 7

Re: Missed callbacks, no response to a complaint

Thank you.

I just don’t understand why the actual complaint has been allowed to sit without any follow up. There has to be some oversight somewhere?

The offer you’re running on TV ends in 4 days. This is the only reason I’m interested in moving my current Now TV billing to BT. If I’m not able to avail of, it then all of this was a complete waste.

Really hope to hear from someone soon.

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