Hiya, recently took out BT. Over a week ago now. I’ve had the hybrid connect for about a week now too. However, when I try log into the app it tells me to activate my BT ID which I did 10 mins after they sent the email when they were sending all the emails out after you sign up. I wanna check my DD date / see if I need to change it. My broadband isn’t due to be activated until 17th August but I can’t view anything to do with the BT app, account details etc.
This is the message that I receive,
Sorry, we can’t get your account details at the moment
We couldn’t find any details for that BT ID. Please try again
Any help would be appreciated. Apologise if it’s in the wrong section.
Still not got access. Can anyone help?
Hi @BrandonUTV, welcome to the community and thanks for posting, I'm sorry to see you're experiencing issues viewing your account details in MyBT. Do you have more than one account number associated with your BT ID? If you do make sure you've selected your new account number from the drop-down option.
Reply back and let me know if you need any further help.