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Message 1 of 4

Re: Moving House

This interests me because I arranged my mum's house move with effect from mid April and was told she would be moved onto a new contract.  She had broadband and Digital Voice, taking exactly the same srvices yet the overall price has gone up as I was told that the 700 inclusive minutes Call Plan was no longer an option and mum has been put onto an Unlimited Minutes Call Plan.  She was less than a year into that contract.  Should I complain?




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Message 2 of 4

Re: Moving House

I moved your post to start your own thread so you can get answers to your question which was not same as previous thread

The 700 minute package is no longer sold by BT

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Moving House


I understand that the 700 minutes call plans is no longer sold but the BT Moving Home webpage states: 

"If you choose to keep your existing package, you will need to take your equipment with you to your new home. You can continue on the same contract with the same account. Upgrading your package starts a new contract."

I didn't ask for an upgrade of the package.  I was told by the BT Guide that the broadband and phone (same number) would transfer to the new property but it would now have unlimited minutes and that the price would increase accordingly.  My mum never used more than 400 minutes of her 700 allowance.




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Message 4 of 4

Re: Moving House


I have now spoken to a BT Guide in Ireland who advises that my mum's broadband package was upgraded when she moved so she had gone onto a new 24 month contract.  Well that's news to me who made the call and just asked for the BB and DV service to be transferred. 

They are going to listen to listen to that call and get back to me in about 7 days.



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