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Message 1 of 7

Unable to authorise an Account Manager

I am trying to set up a BT ID for my wife as an Account Manager on our BT account.  This is so that I can then give her the email address which she uses but is currently linked to my BT ID (so that she can have and manage 2FA).

I have set up the BT ID for her and she has activated it.  However, I have to accept her request to manage the account, and to do this I have to answer the Security Question for my BT ID.  When I click on the option to "Answer security question" a new window opens but the question is blank and I cannot progress.  I do have a security question set up in my BT ID account: however, thinking it might need updating I have tried to change it - but when I edit it, enter my password and "Save" it just says " Sorry - something went wrong - please try again"!

I am thus completely stuck - does anyone have any ideas or should I bite the bullet and try to phone BT Support?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Unable to authorise an Account Manager

Hi @Martin-B and welcome to our community.

Sorry you're having a few problems with your account manager status. I'm sure we can sort that out for you. I'll drop you over a private message now so you can get in touch.



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Message 3 of 7

Re: Unable to authorise an Account Manager - STILL not working


I am having exactly the same problem - my wife has set up a BTID and has made the request to be an account manager.  When I get the email with a link on - I click on the link to reply to the option via "my security questions" a new screen opens but its doesn't open properly - so that I can't complete the operation. I have tried different browsers and email programmes. There is a button shadowed out but there seems to be a software issue on the page.

I have taken this up via the message contact option and the operative seemed to agree and would request "backroom support". This was several days ago but nothing has changed. The person who originated this problem had the same issue.

Help please moderator.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Unable to authorise an Account Manager - STILL not working

Hi Mel_P,

I am afraid that despite every effort by DavidM (Moderator), who called in support from the BT developer team, it proved impossible to resolve this issue in my case.

As a result my wife still does not have Account Manager status, and her email address remains linked to my BT ID (although I have at least been able to activate 2FA for both addresses).

Good luck,


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Message 5 of 7

Re: Unable to authorise an Account Manager - STILL not working

Well - try again - they may have modified the offending web page. Today when I tried again to accept her request from the email, it said "did I want to accept" - I said "yes" and it took me to my log in page.
I logged in and she is now an account manager on my account.

Perhaps the "backroom support" did the tricks?


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Message 6 of 7

Re: Unable to authorise an Account Manager - STILL not working

Thanks for the update - I shall try again.  Perhaps the website needs to think about it for a while!


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Message 7 of 7

Re: Unable to authorise an Account Manager - STILL not working

"Thanks for the update - I shall try again.  Perhaps the website needs to think about it for a while!" - It defintely just "hung" before. This time it got past that stage.


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