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Message 1 of 7

broadband account

Soneobe has ordered a broadband switch using my address. Not me.  I got a 'sorry you are leaving  but tough.  nothing we can do to stop it'despite 3 calls  to call centre.  The first two said it was stopped but it wasnt.   The third agent confirms it wasnt just said 'sad news but nothing can be done'  3 weeks to go then your account is closed '

So I lose my telephone number  and someone elae has ny account af my addreess  and Im expected to osy early termination charge! Any help please  Probably  needs moderator type intervention to stop or confirm nothing can be dine.   Help please  



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Message 2 of 7

Re: broadband account

See link

Phone or broadband switching without consent - Ofcom

According to the above link BT should be able to stop the move up to 24 hours before the change takes place.

Give BT another call and if they still say they can not stop it post back to see if further help can be given.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: broadband account


This is called a Advice Of Transfer (AOT) or Notice Of Transfer (NOT) where your internet provider has been informed correctly or incorrectly that your moving internet providers or someone else is taking over your line.

when this is done by another internet provider incorrectly is known as being slammed and BT can correct a slammed customer.

once the services leave BT the day after you can call up, request a new account and to take over the line again.

Once your up and running and after the 14 day cooling off period as your remaining a BT customer under the contact conditions your Held To Term Charges (HTTC) will be waived in FULL.

make sure you log a complaint and the situation is being managed by a BT Guide this was makes the process a lot simpler.

when a customer is slammed not a lot BT can do to stop it from happening under OfCom regulations of Easy Switch making the industry more competitive and stopping providers from allowing customers to leave or swap.

if you inform BT you have been slammed they’ll know what it means and the processes to take.

for information on slamming can be found > HERE < this is an official BT Link.

Essential Slamming is the most severe form of mis-selling. It's when your service is transferred to a new telecom company without your knowledge or consent.

AOT’s and NOT’s can be cancelled by the issuing CP (new Telecom Company) or BT while is in an In-Progress state once it hits PRE-PPONR (PRE-Past Point Of No Return) or PPONR (Past Point Of No Return) this means it’s gone to far down to be undone but if it’s got 3 weeks left on it then this can surely be cancelled by BT.

BT Guides from the Home Connections Department know exactly how to deal with Slammed Customers and what procedures to follow.

As much as it’s frustrating it’s not BT’s fault and BT don’t always know who the other Telecom Company is attempting to take over the line and service.

I hope this helps!

Hope this helps! 🙂 If you like my reply and
want to say thanks for the helpful answer
then please click on the Kudos on left hand
side 😉 also if I answers your question correctly please let us know by clicking on Mark as Accepted Solution 😄
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Message 4 of 7

Re: broadband account

@newtonmac welcome to the community and thanks for posting, when is your BT service due to stop?


0 Ratings
Message 5 of 7

Re: broadband account


24 or 25 January. 


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Message 6 of 7

Re: broadband account

Hi @newtonmac That should give ample time to stop a transfer so I don't understand why you were told it wasn't possible. I'll send you a private message so you can contact the moderation team with your details.



Message 7 of 7

Re: broadband account

Thanks. Helpful. I know it's not BTs fault, so really just trying to sort out a muddle for me, and what is likely will be muddle for someone else!
I'll wait and see what the moderator response can achieve. Thanks for the input and I'd have followed your advice if the moderator had not intervened.
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