Message 241 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

BT are going for broke, literally! Since being unknowingly bundled off to EE I’ve been very dissatisfied with the operation of EE kit and the wait times to speak to customer services. 

0 Ratings
Message 242 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Extremely sad about this! BT CLOUD was a great backup to storage for my iPad. Reason for closure and deletion from BT: “Demand for the App has fallen significantly!” Total nonsense and a lie! Since EE and BT have merged customers have suffered with the BT service! Sad. This means ALL photos, videos, files etc will be deleted by BT in October 2024! Hopeless.

Message 243 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

It seems on and after 31.10.24 BT CLOUD WILL CEASE TO BE!! Everything will be deleted. 

0 Ratings
Message 244 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Do more with EE-BT say the Marketing people, Lets do away with branded products and Services such as the Cloud storage, the reality is do less. with EE-BT.. 

What is interesting is that since Dabs Direct was rebranded as the, BT Shop this is now  re-branded as EE Shop no own branded 'Trusted' products its all 3rd party (im sure some were just re-branded), may as well use eBay or Amazon.  

As BT services shrink more competition enters the market, whilst I am not dissatisfied with the broadband we have, there is no date or certainty when Fiber will arrive I have Virgin fibre siting outside my home a virgin rep often knocks on my door telling me how fab they are...

Wake up BT, deleting products and services such as Cloud Hosting will loose you more customers (Money) than you guys will save.  But then again will EE be sold off..all part of the divi up of the company for shareholder value (whatever that is) I suspect. Pity the poor customer. I will now have to go and pay for storage and to be honest I would have given you that cash if you had needed to charge for this service.

I did see a post from you guys saying there is less demand..of course there is you stopped new customers accessing the service and I suspect you will stop selling BB when the demand drops.   

 EE-BT we should all be charging you for the time it has taken for us to move our stored Data

Should add I still haven't had an email from you to say the service is stopping !!! 

I have had my say, i doubt if anyone will look or care, BT staff are good people but sometimes the management decisions are really not communicated to the public very well if at all.  

Message 245 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing

Thought I’d have a go at downloading my stuff from BT Cloud. And have to say, despite previous comments of doom and gloom, it all went rather well. And was very straightforward. Simply following the instructions on the email and clicking on ‘Further Information’ which explained how to use the Desktop App to download the content. I had 230 GB to download. And just left it to get on with it. And about 9.00hrs later (at roughly 65Mbps) it was done. Started at 12.00 noon and finishing at around 9.00pm. Once the files are downloaded you get a green tick and ‘ All files synced’ confirmation. Checked the file size etc on my PC with that on the cloud and seemed to match okay so jobs a good un. Not sure what’s causing other peoples issues. At times there were pauses in the download around 5.00pm ( perhaps a busy time?) but again just leaving it be seemed to sort itself out. 

Hope this reassures others. And  I was downloading to a Windows 11 PC. 

Message 246 of 357

BT cloud Closing

I want to download my content on Android Device, I have the app but the instructions are not very good.  PLEASE HELP.

I want to do this before the BT Cloud shuts down


0 Ratings
Message 247 of 357

Re: BT cloud Closing


Do you have a Windows PC? If so it may be easier downloading to that rather than trying to download everything to your Android device. Install the Desktop app on the PC then within the settings make sure the ‘make all cloud content available on this PC’ option is ticked. Eventually you should see all your Android content within the BT Cloud folder on your PC. Could you perhaps borrow a PC just to get the content then copy it over to an external drive? 

Message 248 of 357

Re: BT cloud Closing

Ok, will do. Thank you
0 Ratings
Message 249 of 357

Re: BT cloud Closing


There are some instructions on this BT Cloud help page for Android devices. How far do you get with the steps?


0 Ratings
Message 250 of 357

Re: BT Cloud is closing


How do you know it’s lie that usage is declining? Do you work for BT? If not then you have no idea as the number of users isn’t published. If the numbers were increasing and it was important strategically then they would keep it, simple! 

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