#rogmyles in post 4 you said “There is no setting on my Android mobile to prefer a network” but the in post 10 you state “I have been to the Apple Store and the BT Wifi app is not there”. Why are you looking in the Apple Store when you have an Android phone. If you have an iPhone then as #licquorice says the BT Wifi app is available. Also with iPhones you can use BTWifi-X which is more secure but has to be setup through the BT Wi-Fi app. See https://community.bt.com/t5/Archive-Staging/BT-WiFi-X/td-p/1859114.
@David500 Just a quickie - you need to say @rogmyles and @licquorice rather than # otherwise they will not be advised of your post.
I give up. Leave it as is.
@rogmyles I'm sorry there is no app for your Mac. To connect to BT wifi on that you'll need to connect to the BT Wifi hotspot then open a browser and it will present you with a login screen.
It can be installed on Android phones from the google play store at this link, your phone needs to be on the Android 10 or above operating system to be compatible.