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Message 11 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working


Can’t argue with! However, after putting up with years of 2.4Mb download, 0.4Mb upload speeds I decided to push the boat out!  I enjoy flight simulation and being able to sit and watch huge files and/or updates download in minutes rather than hours is bliss. Also, when multiple devices are in use in the house at the same time there is no buffering or noticeable speed reductions. Happy days!

Yes, it’s likely I will downgrade to a more sensible product option at some point in the future.

However, to avoid any complaints meantime, I am hoping that this thread will encourage the My BT app developers to investigate and, hopefully, restore the functionality of their ‘Test my speed’ module in their app. Accordingly, I thank you kindly for your intervention.

Message 12 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

Quick update:

Updated the My BT app on my 3 devices (iPad Pro (4th Gen), iPhone 15 Pro, iPad Air) today.

The version number on all 3 devices is now 8.50.2

The ‘Test my Speed’ module in the app continues to fail on all 3 devices.

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Message 13 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

I see exactly the same failure of test my speed option in mybt app. Been like it for some weeks now. Reinstalling app made no difference. 
somewhat frustrating not to be able to check speed to hub and verify I’m getting what is promised in stayfast guarantee. 
do BT the company red these posts and have a response???

Message 14 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

The speed test doesn’t even attempt to run now. Login is also broken now, I login and am immediately looped round to the login dialogue and have to reset my PIN. It looks like BT isn’t devoting any resources to this app as they are getting rid of staff before shuffling us all off to EE. There is the issue of some router functionality being accessible only by app so they will need to sort it out. There are plenty of other speed tests out there though and you can still access your account via your web browser so it isn’t the end of the world.

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Message 15 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working


Login is also broken now, I login and am immediately looped round to the login dialogue and have to reset my PIN.”


This is becoming both annoying and frustrating. Those tasked with maintaining this app must be well aware of these issues by now, which begs the obvious question…..

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Message 16 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

When BT update the app it forgets your login details so you have to put them in again. If you have set up biometrics you also have to switch them on again in settings.

My speed test will run to 30% before failing with the message We're sorry something went wrong

0 Ratings
Message 17 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working


Well, another week has come and gone and the situation remains unchanged. It now seems clear to me that this issue is,  for whatever reason, being treated as being very low priority.

Be that as it may, my solution has been to acquire an Ethernet cable (capable of fast data transmission) along with a USB-C to Ethernet adapter. This allows me to link my iPad Pro (4 Gen) to my BT router via Ethernet. Using various 3rd Party speed testers, I can now confirm that my  full fibre download speeds from the local exchange/cabinet are up to snuff and correspond closely with the results displayed hitherto in the fully functioning My BT app.

So, although this has been an effective workaround solution, it does involve additional costs for the customer which, of course, is far from being ideal. My experience to date over the past year is that BT Full Fibre broadband is proving to be reliable, but it ain’t the most competitive price wise. Hence my understandable desire to have a way of confirming my current contract with BT is being fulfilled.

One other observation: As others are starting to note in similar threads, we are finding that as soon as we enter our respective pins to access the app a message tells us that we have been logged out! We then have to log in with our My BT credentials (ID and Password) and then have to set up our pins again before being allowed to re-enter the app!!? Words fail me!

What on earth is going on?!

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

@Cruachan wrote:


What on earth is going on?!

First of all I am disappointed that despite being alerted to this thread the moderators have not responded. 

As for "What on earth is going on?!  Presumably you mean in relation to the MyBT app and in particular the speed test.

In my opinion it is because as per usual when BT introduce an app or software it is a load of rubbish. It either does not work correctly from the get go or when ever they update the app/software it brings new problems.

ie. The latest BTMail fiasco. The previous BTMail fiasco when they moved away from Yahoo. BT Virus Protect by McAfee, BT smart setup which wasn't so smart on the BT hubs prior to the BT Smarthub 2, BT Web Protect which when introduced was turned on by default, problem was they never notified the customer of this.

I stopped using any software that BT issues long ago and nothing would tempt me to use any now.

I appreciate that some things  can only be viewed using the MyBT app but I would not hold your breath waiting for a fast fix if indeed any fix is forth coming.

Message 19 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

@gg30340  wrote:

“First of all I am disappointed that despite being alerted to this thread the moderators have not responded. “

Embarrassment, perhaps? If not, then they should be. Time BT thought seriously about employing some competent software developers.

Again, thank you for trying your best to get help on behalf of all those, including myself, who are currently feeling a tad disenchanted.

I do wonder how the My BT app got past Apple’s quality testing, or whatever criteria Apple use which permit apps to run under their IOS.


Message 20 of 32

Re: My BT - ‘Test my Speed’ not working

I wonder if something else is going on with their network. 

I did a speed test this morning and got results on the upload that are significantly higher than expected.

I have noticed this for a number of days now. I suspect that if I had the 2.5GB ONT instead of the 1 GB version my download speeds would possibly be higher as well.



Maybe this is why the My BT speed test is failing

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