Hi - this was working previously. It may have occurred when I moved house but cannot say for sure. I've tried all the normal steps - turned controls off and on, reset filters, restarted Hub, checked my DNS settings etc.
Anyone else having issues like this?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @ceefla, welcome back, and sorry that the Parental Controls aren't working for you.
You've done all the checks that you can from your end. When did you move into your new home? If it was this week has the order to move your services been completed?
Hi John,
Moved in November but just recently noticed it wasn't working. My home move order is still sitting open - it says my broadband isn't working (but it is). Should I get in touch to get the order matter resolved first?
Hi @ceefla, thanks for checking that and posting back. I suspect the open order from your move (which should've been closed ages ago) is the cause. The broadband details are probably still showing the records from your old connection. Once the order is closed off the Parental Controls should work.
Give the orders team a call and post back to keep us updated, and if you need further help we'll be happy to help you.
Thanks @JohnC2 - I have been in touch and Openreach are trying to fix the order at their side. Estimate 48 hours for any fix to come through to my account. Will keep you posted.
Just an update on this - I finally got the order closed down after around a month of trying.
Have been working with the helpdesk ever since to try and get my parental controls working but to no avail. The staff I have been dealing with have been great - there's obviously more to it than normal. I've had the backend settings wiped several times and re-enabled but it makes no difference.
@JohnC2 - is there anything else you can suggest or just go back to the helpdesk again?
Many thanks!
Hi @ceefla,
I am sorry to see that this still hasn't been fixed for you.
It may be best if we step in and help you. I've sent you a private message that you can reply to.