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Message 1 of 9

Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up



I joined BT TV and Full Fibre 900 broadband middle of December. I have the full TV package, and early on I noticed some very minor break up but thought things may just be settling down.

Lately however, free to air channels and subscription channels have been breaking up where it becomes almost unwatchable with it happening every 90 seconds.

I have done speed tests at the box location and it is around 500mb, I am connected over wifi. Ethernet is not practical given the Full Fibre box is fixed near my front door, I would have wires crossing door ways.

My Laptop/PS5 don't seem to be showing drops in Wi-Fi. I have reset the TV Box and router a couple of times with the same problem (I may be wrong but it does seem to calm for a bit after the reset). There is just one door between the TV Box and Router and its about 5 to 6m.


Any help or tests I can do on the connection would be great prior to calling BT for technician review etc as it really is frustrating!

Thanks 🙂

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up

Do you have any powerline adapters, BT Wifi dics, or ethernet to wifi converters that you can use to connect the box to the router, instead of a straight wifi connection?

I have this problem with my own Pro Tv Box, but since I've connected it to a BT Wifi disc via Ethernet (you can put the disc/converter where you like so no need for wires everywhere) the problem has vanished. The Wifi adapter in the Pro is not that good for everybody, so it just needs to be bypassed somehow.

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up


Thanks for the reply. I have tried powerline to no success but I know they have problems of their own.


I don't have any discs, I wondered if I should have received some but not sure my package was Halo, perhaps I will upgrade. As I say though the distance is pretty short.

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up

Yep it doesn't matter even if the router is right next to the box, it might still have trouble with a wifi connection. The trouble is not the distance (Unless it really is too far, which in this case it's not), it's in the wifi card of the box itself.

I'm not sure which Halo packages come with a disc or not sorry, but If you don't want to upgrade your package again, a wifi disc or wifi to ethernet converter can be found on Ebay or the BT/EE Shop. The discs will still work even without a Halo subscription, just use the BT Wifi app to connect them with your hub.

The white discs work with any router, the black ones work with the Smart Hub only, but don't mix and match them. 

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Message 5 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up

Thanks mate guess I will give that a go!

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up

Good luck, please let us know how you get on!

I should point out one other difference between the white and black discs is that with the white discs you'll have to plug one into the router via ethenet, to act as the main disc, and have it close by for it to broadcast the network for the other discs to connect to. 

If you have a Smart Hub 2, the hub itself acts as the main disc, so all you really need is one black disc. 

It's confusing yeah, but thought I would explain it before you decide to spend money on them 😄 

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up

Thanks appreciate it I will do,


I think I will actually do it through Halo Complete Wifi, just checked deals and it seems I can upgrade for £1 a month, seems logical!

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up


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Message 9 of 9

Re: Consistent EE TV Pro Break Up

First thing I'd do is change the router's 5GHz WiFi channel away from auto & select a channel manually towards the upper end. A WiFi analyser app will show which channels may be competing locally.

If that doesn't do the job then try an ethernet cable temporarily to rule WiFi out completely.

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