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Message 81 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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Yes the sub channels worked fine and have done for 6 months or so. The aerial was actually fitted approximately 3 months ago so the box had not been factory reset since the aerial was installed. 

Just factory resetting again with the aerial connected, this time no option for streaming setup. 

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Message 82 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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Oh right, I didn’t realise that if you had an aerial connected it wouldn’t prompt for IP Mode, but then I do not have an aerial so never saw this.

So actually, we haven’t got anywhere yet?

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 83 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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I know!! Gutted! Thought I was well on my way and bang straight back to the start, I don’t feel such an idiot now though! 😂

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Message 84 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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I have a spare ER-X here, I can configure it with the same config I use and sent it to you if you like if you cover postage and send back once you’re done?

It won’t control the AP but it’ll serve as a test?

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
0 Ratings
Message 85 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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That’s really kind thankyou! The ap is being controlled on the Gateway Ultra currently, so do you mean connect the ER-X to the gateway and the IPTV boxes to the ER-X ? 

Sorry if I sound dumb! I’m well into the beers now! Well actually vodka tonics! 😂

0 Ratings
Message 86 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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What I mean is.

Disconnect everything, connect the ER-X to the ont and connect the EETV to eth4 port and test.

Your Gateway has a UniFi controller inside it, it allows you to use the UniFi app and configure stuff etc.

The ER-X is not UniFi, it’s still Ubiquiti but it’s not part of that family. It’s a very powerful device. Because it doesn’t have a Unifi controller in it I use a separate one for my AP’s, a dedicated network device called UniFi Cloud Key.

So if it works for you and you say decided to keep it, you wouldn’t have a method of controlling your AP on the fly, so you’d need a separate controller. Anyway that’s an after thought. If I send you a known working router with a known working config and you hook it up the same way I do and it doesn’t work then what the heck….

Assume you have a laptop right you can connect to the ER-X via Ethernet?

If you are happy to test drop your address into my PM and we can figure something out.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 87 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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Perfect, makes sense. I have sent you a PM with details! Thanks for your help! 

0 Ratings
Message 88 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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Good morning.

So to just to explain what ive done and how to set it up.

First I backed up my working config from my live and running ER-X, I took my spare ER-X and imported the config, both routers where then identical. Next I went on to remove all of the specific config items to me such as port forward and dyndns leaving you with just a router ready to go, I have left my existing subnets behind as to avoid potentially screwing anything up and also for continuity if you need help.

Important notes:

ER-X Ports:

Eth0 - This is your WAN Port, connect this directly to the ONT

Eth1 - Switch Port

Eth 2 - Switch Port

Eth 3 - Switch Port

Eth 4 - Dedicated IPTV Port, connect IPTV directly to this 


You can connect anything to ports Eth1,2 & 3 as these are on the default LAN, devices connected here will get IP's from the DHCP server serving This is where you would connect your normal LAN devices, such as another switch to give your self more ports, to view the ER-X configuration GUI also you will need to connect a laptop/desktop via one of these 3 ports.

You can access the GUI by    username is: djayyy 

Password I will PM you.

The dedicated Eth4 port has its own subnet and DHCP server, so IP's assigned from devices connected to this port will be as I only made the scope 10 ips wide, as I dont see a situation where I need more than 10 IPTV devices 🙂

So hook all that up and first check you have internet, for that you will need to connect a laptop via ethernet port 1,2 or 3 and test. I would power down the ONT personally, power it back up again, then once it is on only then power on the new ER-X, wait about 5 minutes, by which point the ER-X should have established a PPPOE session.

Log into the Router via and you will be faced with a panel showing some bar charts at the top and below that will be the interfaces. Note that PPPOE will be a separate interface so your external IP will be there and not against the WAN interface eth0. An external IP on the PPPOE interface will be great news. Here's a snap of mine.


You'll also spot the switch0 interface, this is just a means of having a single interface to be responsible for those eth1,2,3 ports. No need to worry about that, just thought I would mention. Ive wiped the names off on the test one for you apart from WAN and IPTV. Anyway if there is an IP under that red mark then great.

The other thing to note is that eth0 has an IP assigned to it,, this is because the IGMP proxy requires an IP to be on the parent interface, IE the source of the Multicast packets, otherwise it will not work. I actually think this is alot of the issue with PPPOE and IPTV, because PPPOE will be a separate interface attached to the parent WAN interface, the parent WAN does not have an address, so we solve that by just giving it one we wont use outside our other DHCP servers.

Assuming you have you EETV box ready, connect it to eth4 then fully factory reset it and for more clarity over the testing disconnect the TV aerials and setup in IP Mode. 

Now, with any luck IPTV is now working.

The reason I have setup eth4 entirely on its own for IPTV with its own DHCP server on a different subnet is basically to simplify the entire IGMP Proxy setup. Often when a proxy is setup you are flooding all ports and therefore the entire network, I figured the most simple way to solve this was to just create a single pipe, from eth0 to eth4. If you want more than one EETV box in theory any switch connected to eth4 will work, this is what I would do if I wanted another TV box, I really cannot be bothered to figure out how to get it working on WIFI, maybe I will one day but folks over on Ubiquiti forums are posting varying results and alot of the time with US TV providers.

You can also download putty and ssh into the switch using its IP and your username and password, once logged in you can issue the following commands and check on multicast traffic.....I posted it a few pages back:

show ip multicast interfaces

show ip multicast mfc

show ip multicast interfaces 

Intf BytesIn PktsIn BytesOut PktsOut Local eth0 322.55MB 31923239 0.00b 0 eth4 0.00b 0 320.97MB 31922696 

show ip multicast mfc 

Group Origin In Out Pkts Bytes Wrong eth0 eth4 469825 607.57MB 0 


This will help for troubleshooting if we need to, I hope not 🙂

I think thats it.

At this point if it works you have a decision to make, keep the ER-X and get a different controller for the Unifi AP/s, you can get a cloudkey for example, remember your Unifi Gateway (Router) has the controller built in so you will lose that by using the ER-X. I have seen on the Ubiquiti forums that with the Unifi Gateways you actually might need to configure the IGMP proxy via a json file and a VLAN. So you can take all the Multicast packets and punt them to a VLAN where the IPTV lives and not the rest of your network, in effect this is what I have done, instead of the json file I have configured the proxy via the CLI baking it into the config and the instead of a VLAN ive used an actual LAN different to my main one.

Anyway, below is the entire router config, I will get the device shipped today and PM you soon.

There is one static IP mapped which was just for the laptop I used to configure it, you can delete this from via the GUI.

firewall {
    all-ping enable
    broadcast-ping disable
    ipv6-receive-redirects disable
    ipv6-src-route disable
    ip-src-route disable
    log-martians enable
    name WAN_IN {
        default-action drop
        description "WAN to internal"
        rule 10 {
            action accept
            description "Allow established/related"
            state {
                established enable
                related enable
        rule 20 {
            action drop
            description "Drop invalid state"
            state {
                invalid enable
    name WAN_LOCAL {
        default-action drop
        description "WAN to router"
        rule 10 {
            action accept
            description "Allow established/related"
            state {
                established enable
                related enable
        rule 20 {
            action drop
            description "Drop invalid state"
            state {
                invalid enable
        rule 21 {
            action accept
            description Allow_WAN-Port_Ping
            destination {
                group {
                    address-group ADDRv4_pppoe0
            log disable
            protocol icmp
    options {
        mss-clamp {
            interface-type pppoe
            mss 1452
    receive-redirects disable
    send-redirects enable
    source-validation disable
    syn-cookies enable
interfaces {
    ethernet eth0 {
        description WAN
        duplex auto
        pppoe 0 {
            default-route force
            firewall {
                in {
                    name WAN_IN
                local {
                    name WAN_LOCAL
            mtu 1492
            name-server auto
            password BT
        speed auto
    ethernet eth1 {
        duplex auto
        speed auto
    ethernet eth2 {
        duplex auto
        speed auto
    ethernet eth3 {
        duplex auto
        speed auto
    ethernet eth4 {
        description IPTV
        duplex auto
        poe {
            output off
        speed auto
    loopback lo {
    switch switch0 {
        description "Default LAN (eth1-eth3)"
        mtu 1500
        switch-port {
            interface eth1 {
            interface eth2 {
            interface eth3 {
            vlan-aware disable
port-forward {
    auto-firewall enable
    hairpin-nat enable
    lan-interface switch0
    wan-interface pppoe0
protocols {
    igmp-proxy {
        interface eth0 {
            role upstream
            threshold 1
        interface eth4 {
            role downstream
            threshold 1
service {
    dhcp-server {
        disabled false
        hostfile-update disable
        shared-network-name IPTV {
            authoritative disable
            subnet {
                lease 86400
                start {
        shared-network-name LAN {
            authoritative enable
            subnet {
                lease 86400
                start {
                static-mapping Naylor_Config-Laptop {
                    mac-address redacted
        static-arp disable
        use-dnsmasq disable
    dns {
        forwarding {
            cache-size 150
            listen-on switch0
    gui {
        http-port 80
        https-port 443
        older-ciphers enable
    mdns {
        repeater {
            interface switch0
            interface eth4
    nat {
        rule 5010 {
            outbound-interface pppoe0
            type masquerade
    ssh {
        port 22
        protocol-version v2
    unms {
    upnp {
system {
    analytics-handler {
        send-analytics-report false
    crash-handler {
        send-crash-report false
    host-name djayyy-ERX
    login {
        user djayyy {
            authentication {
                encrypted-password redacted
                plaintext-password ""
            level admin
    ntp {
        server {
        server {
        server {
        server {
    offload {
        hwnat enable
        ipsec enable
    syslog {
        global {
            facility all {
                level notice
            facility protocols {
                level debug
    time-zone Europe/London

/* Warning: Do not remove the following line. */
/* === vyatta-config-version: "config-management@1:conntrack@1:cron@1:dhcp-relay@1:dhcp-server@4:firewall@5:ipsec@5:nat@3:qos@1:quagga@2:suspend@1:system@5:ubnt-l2tp@1:ubnt-pptp@1:ubnt-udapi-server@1:ubnt-unms@2:ubnt-util@1:vrrp@1:vyatta-netflow@1:webgui@1:webproxy@1:zone-policy@1" === */
/* Release version: v2.0.9-hotfix.7.5622731.230615.0857 */



BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 89 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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@naylor2006 Wow, thats amazing thankyou. Once it turns up I will be sure to follow that guide without beer ! 🙂


Message 90 of 112

Re: EETV Not working With New Asus Router RT-BE88Uay

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On its way!

There is an app you can onboard the ER-X to called UISP, you can’t really do much other than look at traffic and convert IP leases to static. Very much u like the UniFi stuff which you can do getting from a nice kind controller, but with that, you don’t really see the junk of what’s going on, sometimes CLI is best.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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