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Message 41 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute


Read the post that Sedgy put up on 12-12-23. Raise a fault with BT.

Good luck.

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Message 42 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Neil. as you know, this issue has been going on for TOO LONG. It is ridiculous. People need to read the post that Sedgy put up, on 12-12-23. This may not be the complete solution, but it obviously goes a long way to curing the problem.

One would think, that BT would do something about it. Given that the problem has been going on for a long, long time.

Raise a FAULT with BT.

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Message 43 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Hi @Sedgy , seasons greetings and thanks for posting that detailed insight.

Sounds  like Wi-Fi channel contention where multiple devices are competing for the same slice of air time. The TV Box Pro and hub should be able to work it out between them but fixing the values means that you're now "pinned" to them. Having said that, the combination may work in well for your particular set up so no need to change them unless you see further issues later. Advisors should be able to see Wi-Fi metrics for connected devices, so we can check to see what happened if you contacted us and look to make things better. 

I'd be cautious about advising others to do the same as Wi-Fi reception is quite specific to in-home and "party wall" type situations (and obviously doesn't apply if you are using a non Wi-Fi TV Box)



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Message 44 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Hi @David_H
Yes I realise that it's an individual situation which each persons wi-fi signal. Also I am still on the same TV box as I have had for years so may be different if I had a new Pro box, maybe I should call and request it, afterall I pay the same every month for an old one! I would also like to point out the absolute garbage that was suggested to me from the online chat which is abviously offshore, things like maybe I was having problems as I don't subscribe to Amazon via BT or maybe I should use it through my smart TV, when I had already told them I didn't have one, next time I have an issue I will call and speak to someone as I guess this is the area you are in, and in this country? regards Sedgy aka Cheril

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Message 45 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Hi I have a Humax DTRT2100 box and it is connected to the hub using bt supplied powerline adapters.  It then connects to the TV with a HDMI cable plugged into HDMI 1 port on the TV.  

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Message 46 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Hi @Sedgy (Cheril) thank you for the update, that makes things more interesting.

If you are on an older Humax TV box (like a DTRT2100/4000) connected by a cable to the Hub, then changing Wi-Fi set up at the Hub shouldn't make a difference on streaming services like Amazon. We've been aware of performance issues on the Prime app on older Humax devices for some time and Amazon have made some welcome improvements to performance on Gen2 devices like the Humax 2100 that I think you have, but it's still challenging as the hardware in those boxes is effectively 10 years old when apps were a lot simpler in nature - that's not to say that the app should crash out on use though. 

I will send you a PM with some more details and happily take a look for you, and see if we can find some details of recent interactions as I do think you should have been given better advice and guidance. 

all the best 


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Message 47 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

David.  I have Exactly the same connection setup as Saabina, and had the same problem. 

I refer you to your post of 10-08-23, when my problem was resolved. I have had no problems since then, so the WI-FI obviously, is not the cause. But whatever was done, cured the issue, up to now, at least.

If the problem is partly caused by the age of the box. (Same price to customer as new, up to date boxes) why aren't BT replacing the boxes, as and when the problems arise. Or, at least, update the software. If that is possible.

Message 48 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Hi @brimar , hope you're well. The changes referred previously post were undertaken by Amazon in response to concerns raised over the general performance on devices with smaller (and non changeable) memory allocations for 3rd party apps and I think they did a pretty good job given the constraints the app runs under - I'm not sure they (or we) can squeeze much more out of it now although we have a continuing dialog with them. 

From a support perspective, I am really keen to see the estate move too, the Humax devices are / were great for their original design purpose and but can't realistically keep pace with the continued introduction and development of 3rd party apps (aka all the usual requested suspects) so it becomes a question of stock, cost and logistics to swap out that many boxes (though I suspect the conversation gets a bit easier around the time that contracts are being renewed) 

Thanks and best regards,


Message 49 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

Same problem here. BT sent me a new box which loads Amazon a little faster but still kicks me out (mostly after a couple of minutes but once I get past that point it often works). Also, weirdly it has played up most trying to watch Jack Ryan (other have mentioned this prog...).
I connected the box to the hub via cable but it made no difference.
Getting a bit hacked off now.

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Message 50 of 52

Re: Prime video crashing after 1 minute

I have the same problem, Prime crashes randomly and throws me out back to the app page.  Tried a factory reset myself but that made no difference.  Spent an hour online yesterday with a BT "Tech Expert" who undertook all sorts of remote updates etc and assured me that my problems were all sorted and that BT "had my back".


End result - Prime now crashes every 30 seconds.  Totally unusable, and I'm wasting money on films that I can't watch!!!

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