Message 1 of 67

T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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My veteran T4000 (2017) suddenly started Powering Off when the 'Jump Forward ' button on the Remote was pressed  ...

I had a T4000 which we had never used from 2019 (bought for a 2nd Room) - so installed it and its new Power Supply  ..

The fault recurred with this new Box Powering down on again using the 'Jump Forward' button - so thinking I had a problem with the original Remote Control, I swapped over to the new one supplied with the Box ....

... again the New T4000 Powered down when 'Jump Forward' was used ... the Box comes back up OK ...

It doesnt do this for the first couple of hours its on - then viewing a recording & using 'Jump Forward'  it suddenly 'pops & cracks' as it Powers Down  ...

Scratchng my head what would cause this - all old hardware replaced - the old T400 hadnt missed a beat in all those years ... clutching at Straws, wondering what else could have changed - a Box Update perhaps ...


Any thoughts appreciated  !!


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Message 2 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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My T4000 works fine using your recipe, so not an update thing. Old age, maybe, or a random strike by cosmic rays.

I suggest your first step is a Maintenance Mode reset Option 2 (Keep Recordings) and see if that cures it:-


Note that while this will keep your recordings, it will disrupt any recording going on at the time, so pick a moment when no recordings are happening or about to happen.

Also, it will put your settings back to the defaults, so make a note of any non-default values you have, so you can recreate them later.

Your list of scheduled programmes may also go AWOL, but these will return over the next couple of hours without needing any action on your part.

Choose the option for 4K Recordable TV Box, follow the instructions, and report back.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 3 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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 My point is that the same problem happened on the Veteran Box and the replacement unused one .... & the 'new one' would effectively have had  a Maint Mode reset when it first powered on & set itself up ...

So I'm baffled as to why BOTH Boxes fail in this way ... - something changed just before the old one started failing - hence why I wondered if an Update was involved ..


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Message 4 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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Does it also do it if you skip back?

What about if you hold the FF down, which should perform the same function?

I guess you need to rule everything else out, unlikely as it may seem. So a different HDMI cable plugged into a different HDMI port on the TV. Then the AC adapter plugged into a different wall socket.

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Message 5 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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I've only had it power off when using the 'Jump Forward 1 Min' button - will try later if the 'Jump Back' button also does it   ... mind you it doesnt happen for a while after being in use .. will also try holding down FF, but I think that just steps speed up from X2 to x30 ?

A different HDMI Port on the TV would negate the T4000 being able to receive UHD I think - but as you say a process of elimination is a good idea ...

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Message 6 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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My advice is don’t overthink it - just do the Maintenance Mode reset.

Do it on both boxes if both have the problem.

Do the house lights dim when the Jump button causes the YouView boxes to lose power?

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 7 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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A single press of FF will increase the steps as you say, but a long press should replicate the skip function. It's how my Logitech Harmony does both on the same key. Might take a bit of juggling to find the exact length of time the key needs to be held.

I don't understand the UHD point?

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Message 8 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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No, no impact on the House Power is visible, no clocks stop etc ....

Strange that the old Box ran for 7 years w/o the problem .... and suddenly its there & repeatable  .... actually it had an MM Reset 3 or 4 months ago - and the new one effectively immediatly - but I will devote 15 mins to it & the subsequent setup chores for Hidden Channels & other prefs ...

Its too much of a coincidence that both T4000s manifest the same problem !

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Message 9 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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It depends on the trajectory of the cosmic ray……

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 10 of 67

Re: T4000 Fault causing Power-Down ...

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Long Press - ah, OK, will try that.

On the setup booklet for the T4000 it stresses that the  HDMI Cable must be connected to TV HDMI Port marked 'zero' (or summat like that)  - to ensure UHD capabilty  ... but I will try a new Cable ... and plug Power Lead into a different Wall Socket

Thanks for everybodies Help ..

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