Message 1 of 11

new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several times

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my pro box remote doesn’t have a close or exit button - have to keep using back button. Quite a nuisance coming out of iplayer etc. Is there a quick, ine press way of getting back to ordinary tv

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Message 2 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Don't have one, but the more recent convention would be that you just need to press the "Home" button once?

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!
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Message 3 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Don't worry about closing where you've been - just go where you want to go next. The box will handle closing stuff down.
Message 4 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Well not quite. When you reach the end of a recorded programme and wish to delete it, you can't, until you start watching something else and then go back to delete it.

Or you can ff to the end, hit back, then hit delete.

Really need a stop button followed by delete

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Message 5 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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You don't even need to ffwd to the end - just press back when watching a recording and it'll go back to where you launched the recording from. If that was from the recordings screen, then you just press down then select to delete.

If you really hate the remote that much, you can buy an old remote - it'll work with the new boxes too. Those buttons won't be coming back to the new remote though.
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Message 6 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Thanks. Will try it. Love all these tips that are not in the manual
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Message 7 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Tested this out and found the following

Finish watching the recording though not the end of the full recording

Press home 

Go to programme just watched and red delete button doesn't work.

If you go to start watching another recording and go back to delete the one you've watched then the red button works.

It's as if the recording is locked until it either ends the complete recording or is released by moving to another recording and back again.

Any further thoughts @DarrenDev 

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Message 8 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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If you press Home when you're watching a recording, then the recording will still be playing in the background - this will be why it wouldn't let you delete it.
If you want to go back to the recordings screen from a recording, press back. The same as if you're in Netflix and you want to go back to the Netflix menu, you'd press back there too.
Use the home key if you want to switch to a different area/function of the box, or back to stay in the area you're in but exit the current video.
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Message 9 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Thanks. That makes a great deal of sense. Will unlearn and relearn!


BTW I really like the remote.

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Message 10 of 11

Re: new pro box remote has no close or exit button - have to keep clicking the back button several t

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Hi @cothomc  - whilst there's no physical close button on the remote, if you press and hold the 'Back' button it will perform the close function.