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Message 521 of 952

Re: New Email format - can it be changed / customised?

More problems to add to the rapidly growing list -

can only delete up to 10 emails at a time, more than that it first shows an error message, but if you delete the number in the top box and then click again it shows all ticked to be deleted, but only deletes the next 10, so you can enjoy the fun of repeating until they have all gone - except that Trash still shows 1 email to be deleted!

when viewing emails from organisations with neat lines of text, the width is truncated, so that wordsd are split onto the next line, making reading emails difficult and slow

downloading emails is very slow


0 Ratings
Message 522 of 952

BT emailing account information to wrong email address

Hi, new here, I seem to have a problem which has been resolved for others. BT are sending emails to an address which is not in my account. The account forwards to my main gmail account so I do get the information. I will be removing the address BT uses in error in the near future so need to resolve this issue.


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Message 523 of 952

Re: Jumping cursor


I've picked up on your comment re BT not being open about the issues

Following my calls to the BT support folk and getting the impression they were in denial of the problems or wanting to persuade me of the fault being the user I commented to this community forum, saw another subscriber say he had excalated his problems to BT I did the same.

I was impressed at the speed with which BT got back to be and engaged with me over the list of observations I had made and indicated others on this forum were having.

The chap was very aware of some, went through with me how to replicate them so the dev team can look into them etc and said some fixes were on the way in an update release planned for the not to distant future. All good stuff, but publishing a list of known bugs/features/problems (you choose your preferred word for them) so users like us know they are found and will be dealt with might help resolve a lot of concerns.


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Message 524 of 952

Re: Jumping cursor

I was so exasperated this am with stuff that i phoned bt. Got through, the guy i spoke to was fine. Had no idea there were issues. Said he had been off for 2 weeks. He went on the community site and said you are right. There was no general brief to their call handlers as to what is happening. It feels like a shambles. So sad

Message 525 of 952

Draft Emails becoming gibbish!

Anyone else noticing that draft emails are being converted to gibberish as if now written for a web page.

Simple example.

A couple of lines of text now turned into this :

<p><span style=3D"font-family:Calibri;font-size:18px;">Hi Peter,</span></p>=
<p> </p><p><span style=3D"font-family:Calibri;font-size:18px;">I guess=
you couldn't manage to call, no problem and at least I didn't miss anythin=
g this time.</span></p><p> </p><p><span style=3D"font-size:18=

I assume this is more of the improvements but it is making everything so tedious and annoying, doesn't anyone ever actually check to see the consequences of their changes.


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Message 526 of 952

Re: Draft Emails becoming gibbish!


Yes I had this again today. It was fine in draft bit complete gibberish when sent; not only that but sent without the attachment. It is totally unacceptable to mangle emails in this way and very embarrassing for us as senders. Despite the promised fixes and promise that we would be kept up to date, one has to wonder if the system is not so screwed up that it is beyond repair.

Message 527 of 952

Re: Draft Emails becoming gibbish!

Not a jumping cursor, as i don't write long messages, but after deleting a few emails , and and replying to one , i looked up and now I have a -1 (minus 1 ) reported in the inbox. . where did BT get this code from. The teletubbies. 

0 Ratings
Message 528 of 952

New Webmail

Since I have had the new webmail I seem to be getting more spam than I used to. I have also noticed that I can't select all and block sender, the option is grey. They have to be done individually by opening each one, which I have read somewhere on BT's pages that you shouldn't open spam mail as it lets thwm know the email address is active.

Is this issue going to be fixed, as it's obviously a reason for me getting more spam.


Message 529 of 952

Re: New Webmail

I've escalated it, it's getting 'ridiculous', I'm not liking some of the comments BT Support is stating to customers here, 'no knowledge of issues' etc.  

Message 530 of 952

Re: Draft Emails becoming gibbish!

A way round some of these problems is to draft your emails in Word, thus avoiding the interruptions to drafting; then cut and paste the final text into Notepad, thus removing the control characters, then cut and paste from Notepad into your email. It will improve your productivity pending repair of the email software. It won't help with email text that requires more complex formatting, but it will deliver the basics.