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Message 1 of 6

BTinternet problems

Having an ongoing nightmare with BTinternet addresses, have been 'passed up the line' for almost 3 weeks now to various technical teams none of whom seem to be able to solve the problems, they don't call back when they say they will.  Really appalled with the service. 4 email addresses under one account, 2 of these can be accessed through the BT app, the main one can only be logged into via the BT website, not the app, apparently the username or password or server configuration are wrong (they're not !) apparently the main one was gifted, don't know who from or to or how as I've had this for 20 odd years now, I pay the additional £7.50 per month for the premium rather than the basic service, none of the accounts will go onto my ipad or iphone mail app, it apparently doesn't support IMAP (it does !),up until recently they did, have changed and reset the passwords countless time, nothing works, any ideas would be appreciated, also looking to move the whole thing to google as I've had enough, this happens every year when I travel, is there any way of importing whole folders into a GMail account ?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: BTinternet problems

Do you have a BTID and MyBT?

You should have so that you can use it to manage your email accounts. If you log onto that you should see all the email accounts that associated with that MyBT and what "type" they are. ie  Basic/ Standard / Premium.

See link

What is a BT ID and how can I get one? | BT Help

You should also be able to "import" any that are not there.

See link

How do I add any email sub-accounts to my BT ID? | BT Help

Have you tried using a different email app such as the one that comes with your iPad/iPhone or BlueMail or any of the other free email apps?

If you can get the email app to work you can then add your gmail account to it and once you have all the folders/email on the app you can then drag and drop the BTMail folders to the gmail account

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Message 3 of 6

Re: BTinternet problems

Hi, thanks for replying, yes I have all that, been down that road on the phone to BT countless times, they don't know what the problem is and keep referring me to ever increasing specialist 'teams' who never call when they should. 

In fact I've been waiting in all day yet again and still no call despite a message yesterday saying there would be.

Apparently it may be a switch or button their end that needs pushing, wish they would push it......

The problem may lie in the fact that its a business broadband account with 4 @btinternet accounts which is under residential, this certainly doesn't help get through to them on the phone as they all deny its their department but since I started paying the £7.50 a year ago all has been fine until around a month ago, being overseas in Asia also seems to trigger problems and endless calls to correct it.

When I try to import as you suggest, it states that the email I'm trying to import is being used by another account so can't be used.  I have no other account.

It also won't connect up to any ipad or iphone apps, which they tell me it should - which is just great !


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Message 4 of 6

Re: BTinternet problems

It should be straight forward if you are paying for a BT Premium email account. All your @btinternet email addresses would have been set up when you were a BT Residential Broadband customer should have been associated with that account.

Now that you are a BT Business Broadband account holder the email accounts should not have been moved or attempted to be moved onto that account unless you asked BT Business to associate them to that account.

If they did you should not have needed to pay for the BT Premium email account.

There will be nothing that any of the forum users will be able to do to help you so I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread. 

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Message 5 of 6

Re: BTinternet problems

Many thanks, I’ve had enough of BT now. They just don’t call when they should, I’ve managed to move 2 of the Bt internet accounts  into my gmail account, along with folders but the offending one just won’t go, gmail tells me the password for this one  is incorrect so I go through the change password thing yet again and it still states that the password is incorrect, even after logging in to the BT webpage with the same details.  Pretty sure there is a glitch somewhere but the customer service is just dreadful

Message 6 of 6

Re: BTinternet problems

I take it when you say "I’ve managed to move 2 of the Bt internet accounts into my gmail account, along with folders "  all you are doing is accessing the BTMail servers using the gamail client/app and that your email is still on and using the BT servers when you send and receive email as an email address can not be moved to a different supplier such as gmail..

In the event that you either stop paying for BTPremium email and or if they are not associated with your BT Business account this facility will stop and your BTMail email accounts will be "downgraded" to BTMail Basic which can only be accessed using a web browser.

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