Stranger & stranger... WebMail 3.6.0. Got 2 emails to a secondary address this morning, responded to them both. A few minutes later I then wanted to review those received emails but they were no longer in my, 'inbox' - totally disappeared!
Refreshed - no effect
Logged out, and back in - no effect
Just gone without trace! The 2 x answers I sent are in my 'sent' folder so I can prove to myself I didn't imagine getting the original emails in the 1st place LOL
Sent a 'self' email to test, arrived in inbox, and so far is still there. Sent another email to myself using another address, arrived safely and so far, is still there.
So, where did my 2 original emails go to??? (Cue theme tune of 'X Files' 😂)
Check you don't have "conversation" view selected. It toggles off and on with a single click.
@gg30340wrote:Check you don't have "conversation" view selected. It toggles off and on with a single click.
Didn't even know that option existed! After finding it, I toggled it on/off, sadly, missing emails are still in the ether...