See Link
If you can log onto the email account you can change it by clicking on your username at the top right hand side then go to "Account Info" the "Change My Password" and follow the prompts.
You can also use the "Forgot Log in Details" on the log on page BTMail
You could use the forgotten password link.
You should be able to change the password when logged into MyBT, I think it gives a list of accounts, when you use the option to manage your mail.
Its a long time since I looked, as I use gmail, to poll the two that are active.
Perhaps someone who uses BT Mail may be able to help?
Hey there @ian36.
I've had a double check and for the sake of a password reset you should be okay to give this a go via heading to .
Please keep us posted on how you get on 😊
Been there, done that.
Thanks very much for your time and attention.
I was curious why I could not change password via the myBT tab screen. It shows the additional (actually a non allowed, according to KeithBeddoe, (trading)email address) as a recovery address not as an email address editable for password. (I have two email addresses).
I somehow felt that changing passwords via the myBT page would have been the preferred choice as setting up the BTID was fairly strict as I remember.
Anyhow as Keith and you have shown it’s easily and simply done to change the password via each email address screen which is nice.
While I have your attention I would like to point out an issue that has been causing me some concern of. late on the log in screen. On occasions I mistype my password into the username text box which naturally does not work however for some reason these failed “usernames” are “saved successfully “ and shown as options in the username drop down menu.
This results various passwords being listed on the drop down menu which is slightly alarming to me.
In the meantime I should address the trading account issue that Keith bought up and probably more urgently to clean my desktop and mobile devices with a comprehensive anti malware so that my changed passwords etc are not then picked up by any resident nasties invited in with my missteps re. the apparent spoof email from BT
The "saved password" when you log on are stored in your browser not BT. You need to go into your browser's settings and look for "saved passwords" or something similar then look for the errant ones and delete them.
Thanks for your input gh30340
I did try your option to check the browser (BT is a browser?) and in any case my main one which is Edge
Found the three dots upper rhs as advised thanks
opened to settings
Funnily enough although seven sites mentioned BT was not!
T.b.h. It is not the saved passwords that bothers me but seeing my passwords for both accounts included in drop-down menu for all to see on the USERNAME text box!
Thanks anyhow
Any further insights would be appreciated
best regards
BT is not a browser. A browser is what you use to "surf" the Internet. Edge is a browser. I assumed you were using a browser access your email account. Is that not the case?
If you are using Edge and it is displaying your user name etc , to stop it displaying username etc you would need to turn off the Auto Fill in the Edge password settings found by going to the Password section in Edge then clicking on the Settings cog. Once there select the setting that would suit you best.
The other option is to set up a Windows user account and log on so that when you use your computer you log onto your account first. This would stop any unauthorised users getting access to your saved passwords etc.
Other users of the computer should be given their own account so that when the want to use the computer they can log on and only get access to their account and settings etc.