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Message 91 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Many thanks for the message.

See attached screenshot, which then returns to the Inbox list of messages.BT Webmail screenshot crop - Print message - 16 Jul 2024.jpg

0 Ratings
Message 92 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Now that is odd! The 'print' option only shows when you are actually viewing a single email. If you accidentally ticked 'all messages', you don't even get an option to print, so that error message makes no sense. Hopefully a mod will have a look at this for you as it does sound as if something has gone wrong specifically with your account.

At least my biggest issue now is just the slowness of using WebMail, after typing a sentence, I then can watch my screen type it out one letter at a time, so my current 'fix' is patience! To not being able to print a message would freak me out. Though as said many times on this forum, if you are able to ditch BTs woeful attempt at offering an email program and use an email client like, 'thunderbird', all BT issues disappear...

0 Ratings
Message 93 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Further investigation: it seems to be a message/source-specific issue, in a message originating from a Google Group:

"Sent Using the XXX Email Group.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "XXX" group."

The "view source" option is greyed out in BT Webmail for this message.

Update: a member in another thread has suggested switching off "Conversation View", which helped.

Message 94 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Yes - I still have this problem and it's now nearly 6 months since the problem was described as 'reported'


Seriously considering redirecting my mail to another platform

0 Ratings
Message 95 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

@weedocol wrote:

Yes - I still have this problem and it's now nearly 6 months since the problem was described as 'reported'


Seriously considering redirecting my mail to another platform

If you are prepared to do that why don't you just use an email client/app such as Thunderbird. This will negate the need for you to use BTMail webmail on a web browser.

0 Ratings
Message 96 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

You shouldn't need to change Email settings because of an inept Company devising such an awful system. Why do they not just use some brains and revert back to the old system. Their reviews on Trustpilot are awful, and on here, and on Trustpilot a representative of BT does not even have the decency to comment on it. 

0 Ratings
Message 97 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Thanks, oh most worthy and extremely distinguished Sage.

I was contemplating that but I'm not sure what happens t o my BT email address. Clearly I cannot afford to lose, since that is how I'm known in hundreds of different accounts.  I subscribe to something BT offers which is to preserve the address even though I might be using a different supplier, but I wasn't sure how Thuderbird would handle it.

The sad thing is that I'm not seeing these issues on my other computer, nor on my wife's computer (both desktops) nor on any of our mobile devices (although they don't use BT Mail at all).

I'm just stumped - - I thought it might be Norton interfering at first but I've tried disabling bits and pieces  to no effect.

But right now I get to process 2 or 3 emails and then find I need to stop and start BT mail again - - so maybe Thunderbird is the right way to go.

Thanks anyway


0 Ratings
Message 98 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Quite agree Alistair - - but BT's support has never been scintillating, has it ?

0 Ratings
Message 99 of 107

Re: New BT Email format


Their reviews on Trustpilot are awful, and on here, and on Trustpilot a representative of BT does not even have the decency to comment on it. 

Would you 'own' the company on TrustPilot if you got reviews like that?? 🤣

0 Ratings
Message 100 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

No, it's probably because they get so many complaints they just decide not to bother than to admit it! 

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