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Message 31 of 107

Re: new email format

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@JoChristian I couldn't agree more.  It is as if the email team got together and thought how can we make this basic email so infuriating to use that we will either drive users to the paid version or get them to drop altogether.  They make it so unnecessarily clunky and difficult to navigate.  I honestly believe it is so bad that they must be doing it on purpose. 

Message 32 of 107

Re: new email format

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Dear 'Help Hero' thank you! A straight, effective and helpful answer which not only  cured an irritating feature (the pointless coloured boxes next to the email addresses in my in boc) but seems to have speeded up the previously slow, unreliable 'drag and drop" way I file emails into folders.  The first time I've ever found this Forum useful! Although you may not see this compliment as last time I commented on a Sage's reply it was deleted and I got told to "moderate off"!  

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Message 33 of 107

Re: new email format

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Thank you - have got rid of pointless avatars. One small triumph for woman … etc. etc.!
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Message 34 of 107

Re: TRY THIS FIX ¦ New Email Format

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Worked for me - woo hoo!

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Message 35 of 107

Re: new email format

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I agree, the new email format is very poor. The coloured boxes on the left are of no use at all, and drop-down boxes seem to have been restricted so that you have to scroll down.....

How do I return to the old format?


Message 36 of 107

Re: new email format

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@Hank928 wrote:


How do I return to the old format?


You can't.

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Message 37 of 107

Re: new email format

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Paid (Premium) version is identical!

Message 38 of 107

Re: Comment ¦ New Email Format

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"When it was being tested did nobody notice that words at the end of lines in some emails are being split instead of being moved to the next line".

This is my main complaint about the new email. The formatting is dreadful, and I'm unable to find a way to stop this gross splitting of words at the end of lines.

It now takes ages to read any content, having to reassemble these words.

Message 39 of 107

Re: TRY THIS FIX ¦ New Email Format

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Hi, What is the Fix you refer to?

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Message 40 of 107

Re: new email format

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Totally agree with this the new email program is rubbish, I use Firefox and every time I forward an email the system alters the block images stting in the Google browser, so I get no images and have to go into Google to change the sttings back.

The little figures at the right hand side of the email are so small you have to be an ace fighter pilot to hit them.

The emails writing does not end normaly it cuts off half way through words and puts it on the next line, so you have to concentrate very hard to understand what you are reading, and trying to reply to an email is ridiculous you start typing and the system keeps taking you back to the start point so you have to keep looking to make sure it has not gone back to the start, or you end up with gobble de **bleep**.

Total load of rubbish and they want to put the prices up acording to this letter I have just received, no way I would rather change providers.