Message 11 of 16

Re: Email address problem

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Thanks Andy.  After speaking to my wife again she confirms that she doesn't receive any replies to e-mails she initiates with this 'rogue' address, but they are delivered to  correct recipient.  If the recipient uses 'Reply' they don't get to my wife.  If they use Forward and send that to my wife's other address they do get through OK.

I obviously don't want do disclose the actual email addresses but the situation is that her 'normal' e-mail is say fred at whoever.com and the 'rogue' is frederick at whoever.com.  Frederick.... is the e-mail address shown in Properties, but only email address to fred at.... gets through.  When she composes an email Frederick appears in the 'From' field.

The email address must have been input manually at some stage but doesn't explain why she receives emails to 'fred' when the e-mail address is Frederick?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

BT Support have asked me for a load of info and I will send that to them too.  If I get anything back from them I will keep people informed.

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Message 12 of 16

Re: Email address problem

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Hi @keitht8351,

If you reply to the Private Massage NeilO sent you we'll be able to get this investigated.



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Message 13 of 16

Re: Email address problem

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I have now replied to Neil's PM.  Hopefully you guys can work out what has happened.

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Message 14 of 16

Re: Email address problem

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It will be a user error from one party or another.

Email addresses are unique in the world, however, anyone with the password can access any email address.  The idea that 2 people would use the same password for an email address that they each think is theirs is beyond ridiculous.

Without knowing exactly what each party is doing, it will be difficult to resolve the problem.

Message 15 of 16

Re: Email address problem

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I had a call from one of the BT techies earlier and the problem has been resolved.  Basically, the e-mail address associated with the server had been changed.  How, when and why are all a mystery but changing that back to the correct value has sorted the problem.  Replies to e-mails sent from that account are now appearing in the Inbox.

My greatful thanks to BT tech's for all their assistance in resolving hthis problem.

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Message 16 of 16

Re: Email address problem

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Hi @keitht8351 Thanks for updating the thread, I'm glad it's been sorted. As the community members suspected the incorrect email address had been added to the email client settings at some point.

