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Message 1 of 8

Adding a telephone number when moving house

We have a broadband and TV only deal with no landline with BT. We will be moving into a new house later in the year. My mum will be moving in with us and has a telephone line only in her home with the same telephone number for over 50 years.

Is it possible for us to keep her telephone number and add it to our broadband and TV package?

What is the best way of doing this so she dosent lose her telephone number?

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house


Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.

What you are hoping to do, may not be possible. Is your mother`s house close to your existing one? I assume she is a BT Retail customer.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house

She moved from BT to Post Office. We are in the same exchange area yes.
I was thinking we could use her account and transfer it and add broadband and TV to the new house thus keeping her number? The only thing wrong with that plan though is we will be moving in first to complete renovations before she will be moving in and that would leave her with no telephone at all.

really dont know the best way to go about it.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house


As she is not a BT Retail customer, this forum would not be able to help. You would need to ask the question on the Post Office user forum.

She may be better to move her phone service back to BT Retail, provided she is not in a contract with the Post Office.  I assume it was BT Retail that first issued her number?

The only was I can see this working, would be for you to ask for a phone service at your new address. It would be a new number. Then when the time comes for her to move, assuming she is with BT Retail by then, it should be possible to ask for your new number to be re-numbered to her number, as long as that is done within 28 days of her old line being ceased, otherwise the number will be lost.

It may require manual intervention via this forum, but this can only happen if she is a BT Retail customer.

Its never guaranteed.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house

 Sounds doable. Originally my parents were with BT but they got great discounts with the Post Office so changed to them. I will ask mum to go back to BT and keep her number so when the time comes we can renumber it to our landline in the new house. Thanks Keith, that has been very helpful. We lost my dad last year and then few months after mum was burlged so she dosent feel happy nor safe on her own. Best plan is to have her living with us (we had to get a bungalow instead of a house) but want to make it as painless for her as possible as she has also lived in her home for 50 years  - big changes for her.

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house


Your new phone service will almost certain to be delivered over your broadband connection using BT Digital Voice.

Your mother`s line should still be delivered over a physical pair of wires from her local BT Exchange, once she is back with BT.

In theory, it should normally be possible to migrate her number to your line once its ceased at her current address. This has to be done fairly quickly before the routing is broken down.

All I can suggest at that point, is to return to this forum when you have moved in, and have a phone number. Its possible that one of the forum moderators may be able to help at that point, as I would expect that it will need manual intervention, as I doubt that the sales/billing team have a process to do this.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house

Excellent advice from @Keith_Beddoe .

There's nothing more we can add. Your best bet would be to get the line installed at your new address and work from that point. We'll be happy to lend a hand once you're up and running.



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Message 8 of 8

Re: Adding a telephone number when moving house

Thanks so much both. You have been very helpful! Much appreciated.