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Message 1 of 4

Beyond Words - So frustrated as BT saying I cannot port my old telephone number

I hope someone can help me, I am desperate for a resolve and just not getting anywhere at all with BT. On 7th July then 14th July I requested for my current BT broadband and telephone package to be moved to my new address which is in the same village and only half a mile down the road. I was promised an activation date of 1st August, this came and went and I had not received my equipment in time, I telephoned prior to 1st to let them know so was then advised activation would be 8th August. I have now had to telephone well over twenty times and online chatted. It was only on 31st August was my broadband activated but I have been having battles with my telephone number being ported. Everytime I phone I am promised again and again we have put this order through for you and it looks like its all going thorugh ok. The last promised date was 19th September - I was assured it would definitely go through despite the funeral as it is an automated system. No surprise the telephone number hasn't ported and now BT have left a message to say that because it has been longer than 30 days I cannot have my old number. I have pushed every step of the way and been promised my old number. It really infuriates me as I am disabled and have lots of medical telephone appointments and when I updated my details after the move (as I was promised my old number) I hadn't changed it, I had paid for stationary for "we've moved" cards with all the details on and left it till the 31st when we were initially promised my entire package would be activated and posted them to friends and family abroad. The number BT have said I have got to have is nothing like any of the local numbers within our exchange instead of 785/4 it starts 941?! There have been no new houses built in the area and so I cannot understand how a telephone number that was with BT initially, and I have only moved 1/2 mile down the road back to a family home and decided to stick loyally with BT and have been thoroughly let down. The false promises, my time wasted and the lack of a telephone line at all and then when it does eventually begin to work BT have now said I cannot have my number back. I am not well enough to keep fighting BT every step of the way. It is beyond a joke and not acceptable nor does it paint a good picture for them. I just dont know what else to do or who else to turn to for help. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. For a telecommunications company who purport to be fast efficient and reliable - it is disgraceful way to work.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Beyond Words - So frustrated as BT saying I cannot port my old telephone number

Hi @sootyno1 and welcome to our community.

I'm sorry you've had so many problems with your move, especially with the number. Did you move over from copper ADSL broadband to Fibre to the premises? Have you opened a complaint? Have you been promised a call back?



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Message 3 of 4

Re: Beyond Words - So frustrated as BT saying I cannot port my old telephone number

Dear David,


Thank you so much for responding so quickly. At my previous property i was on copper but the new property had already got fibre installed. I have opened many complaints but each time BT close them but the problems have yet to be resolved. I have been promised several call backs but they do not happen and when I look at the existing complaint it simply says sorry we haven't got back to you yet, we will be in touch with you soon. Today's text came through saying they will call me tomorrow to discuss but that there is nothing they can do about getting my old number back. But quite honestly I feel so let down and drained by it all. I cannot understand why if they had placed the orders all the way along, how it has got to a point of them saying it has been more than 30 days and now its gone. I have chased every couple of days to get an update or re-open the complaints they keep closing. Each time I have been promised that it will be resolved and dont panic, I will get to keep my old number. It is so important that I keep that number and communication lines open from all aspects but especially from a medical point of view.

Thank you again

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Beyond Words - So frustrated as BT saying I cannot port my old telephone number

Hi @sootyno1

Thank you for posting back!

I am sorry for the frustration with your home move order.  I have sent you a private message with instructions on how you can send us over your details and we'll look into this for you. See: Private messages

I can't promise I'll be able to get the number back to be completely honest with you.  If things turn out that way, we will fully explain the next stage of our complaints process.



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