Only a call blocking phone can stop spam calls, by only allowing certain numbers to get through.
@licquorice I don't want to rely on blacklisting! The BT system worked extremely successfully until November 2022 and has only failed since my mum's line went digital. The call blocker filters calls before needing to blacklist. However the call blocker hasn't worked since we went digital.
I was happy with how this worked until Nov 22 when we went digital. I would like to get the system we are paying for working!
I don't believe this to be correct. We are paying BT extra for these features which are not connected with the handsets.
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@Keith_Beddoe I was happy with how this worked until Nov 22 when we went digital. I would like to get the system we are paying for working!
I am not aware of the BT network call blocker, however it may have relied on the way calls were routed to the old analogue PSTN exchanges, and that may no longer apply to BT Digital Voice.
No network software is going to be able to stop spam calls, but if the BT network call blocker has the ability to only allow specific calls to be passed to the customer, i.e. a "whitelist" of numbers, then it should work.
I suspect however, that while it always allows VIP callers to get through, it relies on its own "blacklist" of numbers to reject the rest, so its never going to be 100% effective.