Message 1 of 8

Caller ID

Having just upgraded my phone & broadband package I've found that Caller ID on my phone is not working and incoming calls are not being added  to Caller list. I can't find anywhere on my online BT account to (re) add these features which I had prior to the upgrade.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Caller ID

Its odd it dropped off, doesn't look like you can do it online - I would call BT and it should be simple for them to re-add it:

Fix landline | BT Help

Message 3 of 8

Re: Caller ID

I recently re-contracted and found that caller display wasn't working. The reason was that it wasn't activated but all you need to do is go into MyBT, Your products , Landline , Caller Display Manage,  then process the order to enable it - you get the various calling options to enable  once you start the order. It should then be activated in about 6 hours.

Message 4 of 8

Re: Caller ID

I found the same problem..  I went onto MY BT and Voice IP and Manage and had a page where you can add or remove services - and it showed caller ID was already enabled.  I thought I'd try disabling and re-enabling it but it seemed to me that the page would not let me save the change to the setting without also buying a new or deleting an existing service.   So I deleted call diversion for £0.00 (since I dont use it)  and then tried to go in to check the caller id status - but could not go in until the order to delete the call diversion service was completed.  Goodness only knows when the order will go through so that I'll be able to open the page again and see if I successfully disabled caller ID.

So I'm wondering whether the new caller id system is just alot worse than the old system, is my phone no longer compatible?  Is it possible the website was incorrect when it said caller id was enabled?  Will my attempted fix of disabling and enabling Caller ID work - once I'm allowed back on that web page?

Everything just seems so frustrating when a well designed website would have made everything so much easier.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Caller ID

I am afraid that there does not seem to be a consistent answer to this.

In my case going to MyBT then "Manage my products" and de-selecting and re-selecting caller id seemed to do the trick, but others have had different experiences. In my case the process did, strictly speaking, set up a new order in which I "bought" caller id for £0.00

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Caller ID

Hi @bristus,

Welcome to the Community!

Have you spoken with the team about your Caller ID? They should be able to ensure this is correct on your account.


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Message 7 of 8

Re: Caller ID

Thanks evveryone, all's back to normal. I had to wait for the upgrade order to clear then went into DV, cancelled caller display & reordered for free. Obviously a blip in the system somewhere.

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Caller ID

.. wonderful.  So after disabling caller ID and cancelling call divert (for £0.00) in order to do it I go back to the same page and find I cannot enable caller id - it's no longer there - and I cannot purchase call diversion  - it's no longer there!

This must be one of the worst customer service websites i've ever seen!

I guess it's time to phone them up, and wait inline wasting both my time and BT's time.

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