Message 11 of 18

Re: DV email

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I’m Leicester, myself.

I wouldn’t count on the “period of waiting” from what I’ve seen of the organisation so far.

My phone extensions are already arranged as a plug-in, so it’s just a matter of moving the plug from the master socket to the SH2.  I have one of those already configured to act as a gateway for my Draytek.  Basically, I just need to switch the Draytek from WAN1 to WAN2 and I’m ready whenever they are.

Can’t say I’m terribly impressed with the SH2 so far.  Have they really stopped people separating the 2.4 and 5GHz bands?  Really, it’s the being locked into using ISP’s equipment again that I object to.

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Message 12 of 18

Re: DV email

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Well, four weeks have gone by...not heard a dickie bird more about it.  No update.  Nothing.

Disappointing but not entirely unexpected.

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Message 13 of 18

Re: DV email

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Initial comms early June, post cards arrived on the 22nd June inviting to order free equipment, dv adapter arrived on 26th June, order placed email 7th July, DV switch on the 14h July.

The switches happened @ 0.28am (saw the SH2 populate the phone tab) on the 14th with a email later in the day to say it was complete.

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Message 14 of 18

Re: DV email

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Well, five weeks have gone by…not heard a thing more about it.

Hang on a minute.  Haven’t I been here before?  lol

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Message 15 of 18

Re: DV email

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OK, a very quick update, (for anyone that is even remotely interested).

The idea of it taking four weeks seems a bit wide of the mark.  74 days now since the initial notification email.  30 days since the you’ll be moved “within the next 30 days” email.  15 days since the post card inviting me to order an adapter.  (Didn’t bother, don’t need one).

Still no sign of an SH2 turning up, (as the last thing BT sent me was an HH5b) and definitely no sign of a move to DV.

I’m beginning to think they’ve forgotten about me.

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Message 16 of 18

Re: DV email

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Hi @StuartHK,

I'd like to take a look into this for you and find out what's happening.

I work for BT and I'm a moderator here on the Community. I'm going to send you a private message that you can reply back to me on. One of my team will then pick this up for you at the start of next week.

Thank you


Message 17 of 18

Re: DV email

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Seems there was a bit of confusion over a chat I had and whether I had withdrawn permission to move to DV.  That's not how I recall the conversation but moving on...

Many thanks to Daniel and the team for sorting it out.  Excellent.

Message 18 of 18

Re: DV email

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So, final update for anyone out there that’s still interested.

Initial email notification of move to DV was 19th June.
Second email for 30 days’ notice was 2nd Aug. (Letter saying the same arrived 5th Aug).
Postcard with setup instructions arrived on the 15th Aug.
Postcard inviting to order phone adapter on the 17th Aug
Nothing then happened on the 1st Sept (30 days).

Spoke to moderators here on the 2nd Sept. They ordered an SH2 for me, (as apparently, temporarily using one supplied by a mate had screwed up they system for deciding if I needed one.  That might be what brought things to a halt?) They also got things moving again. (All thanks go to the mods. Quick and efficient, as usual. Well done).
Got 7-day notice of switch email on 11th Sept.
Service was activated at 3:50 on the 19th Sept.
SH2 needed a reboot in the morning to trigger the configuration of the phone.

92 days all told, so the idea of four weeks may be a little generous.

Everything now seems to be working fine, so thanks one-and-all.