Message 1 of 24

Digital Phone

I have recently renewed my BT contract and a digital phone adapter has been fitted. I have my contacts in my phone. However when anybody rings no name or number is given, just 'No Number' stated. I have done an online chat and it was suggested I reset my phone, which I did but it made no difference.
Any suggestions welcome please.

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Message 2 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

Move your phone and plug it directly into the SH2 ( temporarily ) and see if incoming calls display, the appropriate CLI , if it does then the adapter isn’t working correctly, if no CLI with your phone at the SH2 then the defect may be the CLI service itself , or the SH2 or your phone , but no point speculating on that yet .

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Message 3 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

Thank you for your reply. However I don't understand any of it, sorry.

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Message 4 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

if you are using a phone adapter then unplug phone from adapter and try connecting the phone to the green phone socket on back of hub and see if that shows incoming caller information

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Message 5 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

Thank you for your reply. We have 3 phones, one connected to base station which I presume is now connected to the adapter. in  a cupboard together with our BT internet system. I  am not inclined to move any equipment. I am very sorry.  (Aged 76) Susan J.

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Message 6 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

Does any one of your phones that is plugged directly into the back of the SH2 (green BT socket) work? If so although it may not be a convenient solution depending on where your SH2 is placed, you should then pair a DV adapter first with the SH2 (whilst plugged into a mains socket or extension lead close by whilst the pairing takes place. You can then unplug the DV adapter and plug it into any socket in your house and then plug any phone into the BT socket on the DV adapter and then it should work and receive calls. Of course you DV phone service needs to have been activated for any of this to work.

(Aged 86!)

Message 7 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

Thank you for your email. All our phones are on charging bases with plugs into wall sockets. so I don't know how to do this. Thank you for all your help.  Susan J.

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Message 8 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

To clarify what iniltous and HHGTTG said:

One of those charging bases will be bigger than the rest.

That one is the “base station”.  That is, it controls the rest and is the one that connects to the outside phone line.  You need to move that one temporarily so that the phone cable on it can plug into the green socket on the back of the Smart Hub 2 router.  This will allow you to test if that fixes the problem.  (It will still need to be plugged into the mains as well, of course).

If it does fix it, it suggests the adapter is not paired properly or is faulty and you should follow what HHGTTG suggested.

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Message 9 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

if your BT hub is in same cupboard as the DV adapter then just unplug the cable from adapter and connect it to the socket on back of hub  no need to move any equipment just move cable from one socket to another socket 

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Message 10 of 24

Re: Digital Phone

Thank you for your suggestions. I am not inclined to start moving phone cables. Sorry. Susan J.

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