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Message 1 of 12

Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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Hi we live near Salisbury but are NOT the Salisbury exchange...

Got a letter a today saying that BT is about to roll-out Digital Voice to us.

Odd I thought as the roll-out is suspended.

Checked website and Digital Voice roll-out it says is 'paused apart from Mildenhall and Salisbury.'

Salisbury as we know got fibre everywhere plus some good deals.  Our exchange wasn't part of the Salisbury fibre programme.

So why is our exchange Downton being targetted for Digital Voice which has been paused?

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Message 2 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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Message 3 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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@ohforgawdsake2  The rollout in general is not paused as per the original statement by BT Consumer earlier in the year it stated

  • The mass migration is paused but customers can still be migrated if they choose to.
  • This mass migration pause was also only relating to BT Consumer. Other communication providers are continuing with their own migration of customers to their own internet based VoIP/Digital Voice service.
  • In some areas you may still be migrated and may not be able to opt out as there maybe a Openreach stop sell already in place which restricts and prevents communication providers offer a service over copper based product and/or a voice service over the traditional PSTN/WLR system.
  • If you are on full fibre
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Message 4 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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I'm still on FTTC but when I looked at my Black Friday deals, the offer came with a warning that it would invoke Digital Voice  if I accepted the deal.

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Message 5 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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Hi well this is awks.  I already did a google search which listed these pages at the top 

this web page

clearly states:

The overall roll out of Digital Voice is currently paused, but if you live in Salisbury and Mildenhall we’ll still be migrating all landline customers over to Digital Voice as current lines in these areas will continue to be upgraded before the end of the year. We'll be in touch if this impacts you.

And your main page

clearly states:

Yes, while the mass rollout of Digital Voice is currently paused for most customers, we’ll be moving all our UK home phone customers over to Digital Voice in the next few years. You may still be eligible to be switched to Digital Voice during this pause, under certain scenarios.

The under certain scenarios link goes the first page I listed above ie which provides NO NILCH details of the scenarios.

So based on the BT website and its main product page the rollout IS paused unless you live in two locations and meet some unknown secret scenarios.

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Message 6 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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Well I don't live in either of those areas so make of that what you will.

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Message 7 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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I recontracted on the 15th and digital voice wasn't mentioned anywhere on MyBT nor by the person who I spoke to action things. The email confirmations don't mention it either so it looks like it's a bit of a lottery.

Message 8 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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@ohforgawdsake2 have a read of

The different scenarios where BT Consumer Customers will still be moved to digital voice under the migration programme is:

  • If you’re a BT Consumer customer in a stop sell exchange, you will still be migrated to BT Digital Voice before BT Consumer’s mass migrations restarts. You can find out about stop sell areas at:
  • As a BT Consumer Customer you can still ask to move to BT Digital Voice.
  • If you are on full fibre.
  • The industry and nationwide PSTN/WLR closure is still set for December 2025 with a nationwide stop sell in September 2023.
  • The other 600+ communication providers are continuing on their own rollout of their Internet based (VoIP) voice service and migrating their customer onto that.


After the announcement from BT Consumer, Openreach also clarified to say the plans are still going ahead and the pause to the mass migration (note the term mass migration) only applies to BT Consumer who have chosen to do so.



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Message 9 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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Hi thanks for the info.  However, the first website landlines go digital is nothing to do with BT Consumer who is my supplier and the second is a wholesaler who again I have no dealings with.

My issue is that my supplier is providing misleading statements on their web sites.

I had a look at the stop-sell spreadsheet and my exchange is not listed on it at all!

On the BT Wholesale broadband checker here's the details for my line:  FTTP on Demand = Available  but also FTTP is not available

FTTP Priority Exchange N

WLR Withdrawal N

SOADSL Restriction  Y

That said we've got Giganet starting to install cabinets (they are currently digging up most of fordingbridge) and once they started Openreach appeared and started installing Connectorised Block Terminal on the poles like they were christmas lights!

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Message 10 of 12

Re: Digital Voice - Is this Paused or NOT

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looks like i'll have to give them a ring and get some spiel about how it is / is not being rolled out!
will update here with the transcript if I use chat.
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