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Message 1 of 10

Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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Hi all,

Was thinking of moving over to digital voice as it now seems to be an option, but from reading these forums I don't like the sound of integrating it into my current setup.

I work in IT and networking so have no issue with the technical side of things, and it would appear I would have to use double NAT if I wanted to continue to use my Unifi USG (which I do want to).

The main question I had was this. So I'll have to have the Smart Hub up and running for Digital voice to work, and I assume if I went for multiple handsets, they needs to be within range of the smart hub in order to function? There is no way to extend this out other than having the hub in the most central spot of your house?

I would really like to have a decent landline in my home office which is at the back of our garden, but the point at which the line comes into the house is about as far away as it gets. I thought with Digital Voice using VOIP, I'd be all sorted and could simply have a handset within range of my Wifi, which is really well covered everywhere with multiple Unifi AP's. But sounds like that is still an expensive dream and would require some kind of external voip provider.

I wouldn't mind so much if my mobile worked in my home office, but we are in almost a celluar blackspot for all major networks and I have to make calls outside to have any chance of having them work.

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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there are numerous posts on the forum about digital voice and the most incorrect assumption the DV is over wifi but the SH2 is a dect base station and the DV phones connect using dect just like most other base station with cordless phones

the FAQ will help

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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One solution may be to utilise existing analogue phone extension wiring. That can be repurposed by disconnecting the incoming pair & then connecting a socket to the back of the SH2.

Another option would be to use third party DECT phones rather than those supplied with DV. You could then opt for a set that supports DECT repeaters which would increase the range.

Lastly, pretty much all modern mobile phones should support WiFi Calling. So have a look at that to solve the reception issue.

Message 5 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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Thanks some food for thought there. I think I may ditch anything DECT related and go for an independent VOIP setup. Really all depends if it's worth dropping the landline completely and what effect that might have on my broadband price (if any).

We do have Wifi Calling on our mobiles, but it seems a bit hit and miss. I think the signal is just about strong enough for it not to always kick in, and so it tends to switch to Wifi only when it's very poor.
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Message 6 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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you can opt to go broadband only but still need to pay for landline included in price just drop ability to make/receive landline calls.  may save a max of £5pm but probably less depending if you have calls package or not.    switch to broadband only will mean a new contract

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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Thanks for your reply, but I did read the FAQ and I didn't assume it worked over Wifi, I just hoped that would be the case before I read into it further. Seems like BT are missing a trick there really.

Too many downsides really of having the SmartHub + DV, so will have to look for a different solution.
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Message 8 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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I'm not sure if it's operator or OS dependent but check for an additional WiFi Calling setting to define WiFi as priority.


Message 9 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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I have found a solution from 'BOnline' actually that seems quite good. About £7 per month for a single user, with 100mins of call out included. Can use a softphone on my mobile and also have a VOIP wirless handset - which we would probably do.

We already pay BT nearly £8 a month for their 700mins call package, but don't use anywhere near that amount, so if I drop that + the landline, should be quids in.

Will probably stick with BT for broadband though as they have always been very good when it comes to fixing issues (which isn't very often). I rely on it too much for work to worry about dealing with other companies. Just ashame I can't get FTTP really, as I'd kill for that! 🙂

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Message 10 of 10

Re: Digital voice & Smart Hub 2 range question

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Just be aware that by accident or design, you will likely have to have anew number for VOIP.