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Message 1 of 7

Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

This is probably going to feel like reading a book as I don't really know how to concisely explain my problem.

I have full fibre broadband including a digital voice handset which now works fine thanks to this forum.  However, my old handset (a cordless Panasonic something), which has a built in answerphone,  is plugged into the back of the router and also works fine.  I prefer to use the answerphone in the handset rather than BT1571 because it is easier for seeing when messages have been left - ie I can just glance at the base unit and see the indicator, as opposed to the DV handset where the screen goes blank and I have to think to pick it up and wake the screen.  Anyway, I figured out how to stop 1571 jumping in before the answerphone to answer calls,  the only problem now is, if I answer a call with the DV handset, the other handset keeps ringing at least 4 more rings then registers a missed call.  In other words, it seems like the old phone isn't recognising the call has been answered.  I'm guessing it's just the two phones aren't compatible, but I was hoping someone else may have had this issue and has found a solution?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

Try turning off multi call feature on the digital voice handset.

Also if your existing handsets are DECT based and GAP compatible you can just pair the Digital Voice handset to your existing phone's based station.

Mixing Digital Voice specific handsets and a non digital voice handsets may cause behaviours like this as they're not aware of eachother.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

Thanks, I didn't even know there was a multi call feature, but I found it and changed to single. It made no difference. I will have to see if I can figure out how to pair the DV to the existing base station as that does seem like it would be a logical solution.
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Message 5 of 7

Re: Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

if you pair the existing phone to BT hub then you will lose all your functions from your existing base station.  thought turning multi call to single would have solved your problem

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

I think it is likely something I have to live with.  I suspect the problem is partly the Panasonic phone rather than just the (non) interaction with DV.  After all it only starts to ring after the caller has already heard it twice, and continues to ring (at least twice) after a caller has hung up if the call wasn't answered - although it does ring 3 or 4 times after the DV handset answers the call.  At least the DV ring is in time with a call.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Digital voice handset and wired handset not in sync

There is no connectivity between DV handsets and handsets connected to a DECT base station plugged into the hub.

That said, I have a Panasonic base station plugged into the hub and 2 DV handsets and don't experience the problem you are having.

Calls can be answered on either system and ring stops immediately on the other.

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