Message 1 of 9

Digital voice

I live with parents who have old copper phone line. 

ii am using sky broadband on their phone line.

bt is supposed to be bringing digital voice to my area and replacing old copper lines.

will they relocate old master socket as that is in a cupboard near a gas meter and not near plug sockets.

will they charge.

and will I still be able to use my sky broadband on that line or will I have to cancel


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Message 2 of 9

Re: Digital voice


Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.

Their line would be rented from Openreach by Sky, not BT Retail, so it would not get BT Digital voice. Instead it will get whatever Sky use to provide their phone service when the PSTN network closes.

You need to ask on the Sky user forum for the answer.

Sky Help Forum - Help & Support from the Official Sky Forum

This has nothing to do with BT Retail, or this forum.

I have already answered this on your last post https://community.bt.com/t5/Home-phone-including-Digital/Digital-voice/m-p/2324666#M92149

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Digital voice


Reading the other thread I wonder if this is a legacy split service, where BT are providing the phone & Sky the broadband?

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Digital voice

AFAIR, Sky ditched all their legacy SMPF ( shared metallic path facility ) customers years ago , basically they were given a choice , move to Sky MPF , with Sky delivering the phone service as well as broadband , or quit Sky and be moved to another provider that would maintain SMPF , so BT would remain the telephony provider and the ‘new’ ISP would takeover the broadband supply, but that’s just my recollection.
As stated , chances are the OP won’t be affected by the BT DV migration program because they are not BT customers , but Sky may at some point require them to use their Sky broadband router for telephony something they already do for new Sky customers.

Message 5 of 9

Re: Digital voice

And you answered wrongly. But line is not mine. So if they do this switching parents still want stay with but line. And from I understand we would be on a broadband service. No information has been given on what speed. If it is on broadband then I won’t need sky broadband cause that is not fibre
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Message 6 of 9

Re: Digital voice

@Stevekill2 ]

Easy way to check, ask them to dial 150 from their phone, and see whether they get an announcement from BT Retail, or from Sky.

There is no such thing as a "BT Line" anymore, as the lines are owned by Openreach, and are rented out to different Service Providers like Sky, BT, TalkTalk etc.


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Message 7 of 9

Re: Digital voice


If your parents do actually pay BT for the phone line then customers who are phone only will be the last to move to digital voice.  DV will need an internet connection for VOIP so when move comes you will not be able to have BT and SKY broadband on same line

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Digital voice

And you answered wrongly.  But line is not mine. So if they do this switching parents still want stay with but line. And from I understand we would be on a broadband service. Sort of, the belief is you will be on a 128kbps broadband service locked down for DV use only No information has been given on what speed.  Probably 128kbps.If it is on broadband then I won’t need sky broadband cause that is not fibre. They may not get fibre, DV works on copper as well you know, and it will be locked down to phone use only, why would they give away a fast broadband connection for free? If they want DV then there also going to have to switch to BT for phone and broadband or you swop the whole caboodle to another ISP.

Message 9 of 9

Re: Digital voice

If your parents pay BT for line rental and Sky for broadband as you claim , and they ignored the request from Sky years ago to move ‘line rental’ to Sky , as stated they will be among the very last group of BT customers to be migrated to DV , and at that point ( which is probably still a year away ) they will have a choice , that will be to use BT for both services or use Sky for both services, or have no broadband and use BT just for telephony, which would be DV , you will not be able to keep these 2 separate suppliers on the same ‘line’ .

If they are on a legacy SMPF connection as you claim , they will be paying around £20/month more than they would pay if they were using the same supplier for both services, but ultimately that’s up to them, in the short term nothing changes , by December 2025 it will.

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