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Message 1 of 21

Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

Starting to wonder if BT's Digital Voice only actually works with FTTC and not FTTP?

Having problems myself and read about others in similar situations.

NOT an expert, but reading online and on these forumes is making me wonder if you still need a copper wire for landline / digital voice to work.

Also is the "new" Digital Voice Service just VOIP that has been around for years?

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Message 2 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

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Message 3 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

@Customer66 Digital Voice works fine with Full Fibre (FTTP). No copper connection is required.

The digital voice service is delivered through the BT Smart Hub 2 as that acts as the VoIP/SIP gateway to BT's specific Digital Voice service.

What issue are you having?


Edit: reading your posts it sounds like your having issues getting the digital voice service to connect?

What does the status show for the phone when going into the BT Smart Hub 2's managed UI?

Should look something like this (bit highlighted on red)



Message 4 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

29032024 hub.jpg

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Message 5 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

@Customer66 - thanks for posting that information.

Ok so from the phone dialogue on the left suggests that your hub hasn't had been pushed and applied the appropriate configuration settings successfully so it's not fully set up yet. This is done remotely

The hybrid connect one on the right isn't needed for Digital Voice, it's a separate add on that uses the mobile network as a fallback to allow you to continue using the internet when the main broadband connection is down.

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Message 6 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

There is already a substantial post started by the OP where all these points have already been covered, the OP’s complaint is being handled by the BT executive level complaints department, so no further official help will be provided here, so starting a new post covering the same ground seems somewhat pointless.

As far as the ( flippant) question raised , Yes , DV works with FTTP , it is VoIP , but a proprietary version, and not the same as something provided by the likes of Sipgate, should the OP wish  to use that type of VoIP provider they are not restricted from doing so .

Looking at the history of the OP’s problem, I suspect the issue isn’t providing them with DV service over their Openreach FTTP , it’s probably the requirement to provide them with the same PSTN phone number they had at a previous address, which may be impossible to achieve, they seem to think moving home and keeping the same number must be ‘doable’ but that’s not always the case , changing from PSTN to DV adds a further level of complexity.


Message 7 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?


I take it you are either a huge BT Fan, A BT Shareholder or Employee.

There is already a substantial post started by the OP where all these points have already been covered, the OP’s complaint is being handled by the BT executive level complaints department, so no further official help will be provided here, so starting a new post covering the same ground seems somewhat pointless.

Yes and it ground to a halt and I have also reaised new questions here.

As far as the ( flippant) question raised , Yes , DV works with FTTP , it is VoIP , but a proprietary version, and not the same as something provided by the likes of Sipgate, should the OP wish to use that type of VoIP provider they are not restricted from doing so .

How do you know what is in my mind and whether a question is "flippant" or ot!?

After months without BB and DV Service (or good, effective Customer Service), I have been forced to enter the - very boring for me - world of "Telecommunications" and try to do some research to help myself.   I have read that CV and FTTP may not be that compatible and SPGEA or FTTC is better.

Looking at the history of the OP’s problem, I suspect the issue isn’t providing them with DV service over their Openreach FTTP , it’s probably the requirement to provide them with the same PSTN phone number they had at a previous address

Wondering now if you are a BT Employee who has access to my innfo and account?  If so then don't be shy -  tell me why my service is not working?

which may be impossible to achieve, they seem to think moving home and keeping the same number must be ‘doable’ but that’s not always the case , changing from PSTN to DV adds a further level of complexity.

If it is NOT possible to use my old telephone number - a fairly common and basic request when moving home surely? - then BT has MIS-SOLD me by assuring me that was DOABLE and no problem. But - FYI - the "temp number" they supplied me with has never worked either!

What a pity the poster and BT and many experts on here - were less into pedantically and defensively picking fault with Customers while using unexplained jargon - and actually tried to FIND SOLUTIONS!


0 Ratings
Message 8 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?


in your first post you mentioned you had moved home and all the phone problems stated after that move    when you moved did you actually move from one phone exchange are to a different exchange as that would stop you retaining your existing number?

as has been posted many times until you see phone configured and a phone number in hub manager then you will not have an active home phone

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Message 9 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

I’m a BT customer and shareholder, I’m not a BT  employee , I’m not an employee of anyone , hence spending way more time contributing here than I should , I wouldn’t call myself a BT ‘fan’ as such, I would argue that I have an appreciation of  the way BT are obliged to operate, with regulatory interference, which in many cases results in problems , because of the mandated way BT have to interact with their suppliers.

I certainly don’t have any ‘inside knowledge’ of your account, it’s simple deduction from what you have previously posted that leads me to offer my opinion on what is and isn’t likely to be cause of the issues you face .

Its a matter of fact that once the executive level complaints people get involved the BT Mods on here ( they are the only BT employees ) defer to them , which makes sense ,so once you decide to go down that particular route , apart from ( hopefully ) closing the thread with the resolution, this forum becomes something of a dead end .

Lastly, given your post is entitled ‘ Does Digital Voice work with FTTP ‘ when there must be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of BT customers on FTTP using DV ,  what else could it be but a flippant question ,  a reasonable definition of flippant is , ‘not serious , in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever’ .

You   already know that ( unfortunately ) you are one of a small number of customers that had or are having problems with DV , it’s the exception not the rule.

As I’m genuinely trying to be helpful, if it is  the case that you would be happy enough with any phone number provided via DV ( although ideally you would prefer your  original number )  , if it’s not essential, then has that been made clear to BT  ? , providing a DV service without a specific number should be easy enough.

As far as the BT representative claiming that the number you had would be provided, perhaps they were mistaken, there isn’t enough information to make a judgement, did you move within the same exchange area ( even though FTTP isn’t defined by exchange areas ) , did you use the home mover service , was the cease if your FTTC/ADSL linked to the FTTP provide , perhaps it was possible but the 30 day limit between PSTN to DV  migration ( when it is possible ) has been exceeded, as far as those  questions ,there isn’t have enough information on which to offer an opinion.

Obviously you have not received good service, I’m certainly not suggesting you have , but posting the same information continually, adding to other posts , or starting new ones , may be cathartic, but are ultimately a waste of everyone’s time .

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Message 10 of 21

Re: Does Digital Voice Actually Work With FTTP?

as has been posted many times until you see phone configured and a phone number in hub manager then you will not have an active home phone


So if it is so obvious to many on here - why don't BT do that?

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