<p>See our <a href="https://www.bt.com/help/broadband/bt-cloud/getting-set-up/download-or-access-files/how-do-i-download-files--folders-and-devices-from-bt-cloud-">help page</a> for further information.</p>
HOW do you talk to BT customer services? Digital voice isn't working
I've more or less given up trying to find a way to talk to BT about my digital voice. I've emailed - no reply, had texts, rang, to be sent round and round in circles! HOW the hell do you TALK to someone?? I can't find live chat. ... What's happened to BT? Does anyone actually work there??
Re: HOW do you talk to BT customer services? Digital voice isn't working
Hi tinatina,
Thanks for the post and welcome to the Community.
This is an automated response as I can see you have a question about BT’s Digital Voice service. Rather than waiting for a response from the Community, you may find an answer to your question by using the search bar on the Community homepage. We also have a thread that contains a wealth of info related to BT’s Digital Voice, click this link to take a look, Digital Voice FAQs.
Got some questions or want to learn more about BT’s Digital Voice rollout? BT are running localised events as part of the regional rollout of Digital Voice - Click here to view the Digital Voice events
To learn more about the nationwide change to this Internet based voice service visit landlinesgo.digital
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