Message 1 of 3


Hello can some one tell me if i need to pay for a landline if I get a digital phone as am now paying landline rental up front for a year and it ends soon don't use phone a lot as an old age pensioner, and what will it cost to make phone calls on a digital phone  

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Phone

You are not paying for 'landline' rental you are paying for 'line' rental which is itself a misnomer as all broadband packages include line rental rather than as a separate item and have done for a number of years. BT are finally ceasing the availability of Line Rental Saver.

Broadband still requires a physical line.

You can have broadband without telephony but the saving is only approximately £5/m

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Phone

If you want a broadband only package without a landline telephone you just order a broadband only package.

If you want the ability to make telephone calls you would need to order a broadband and landline telephone package then select a calling plan that meets your needs.

By the sound of it you would be best with a Pay as You Go calling plan which means that you only pay for any calls that you actually make rather than having/paying for an allowance of call minutes which you might or might not use.

See link for calling plan costs.

 What are the BT Calling Plans and how can I change to a new one? | BT Help