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Message 1 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

Like others on here, I am thoroughly ticked off with BT.

I rang to report an very strong & strident phone call telling me that my Broadband was being withdrwn due to misuse !!!

As a rural & frquent user this caused some concern !.

I called BT to report call & check my account !.

The person in Ireland took the call & said this would be dealt with & did I also have any problems with Broadband.

So informed person that the router doesnt work very well to other room & I use Ethernet over mains wiring.

I was then informed that BT could fix this with a dish for extra £1 per month.

OK willing to try, & I asked for full details as to cost as contract was coming up in couple of months.

Nothing in communications/emails etc.

BUT next morning had a brand new router & dish with note that this would work with "Digital Voice" !!!.

WOW what is that, read info & got mail that said DV was now being made available on my phone ! WOW.

I never asked for it !.

Dish worked, DV worked. Then we had 2 x power Outages. Phone not working !!!.

Was told there is a 14 day cooling off period !!!. LIES told by support once you get DV there is no going back.

Also told tech person at time I would like to get costs down as GigaClear was offering £17 +£3 for phone.

Only stayed with BT due to emails will all have to be redone !

SO NOW BT said it sent all details but the didnt arrive & not in SPAM & as BT is my provider I asked them to check problem.

BUT BT unwilling to sort out their problem & think customer is LYING !!!

I have given permission to look at all my mail from BT & tell me what the problem is ?.

BT will not do anything to check whats gone wrong !.

NOW taking BT thru ADR & Ombudsman.

AND going to Gigaclear !. BT doesnt care about their customers just the money !!!.

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

14 days is the minimum cooling-off period that a seller must give you. BT is not exempt from that. If you are experiencing regular power outages then the problem lies with your energy supplier, not BT, so complain to them.
Message 3 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

The original phone call you received was a scam.

Message 4 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

You must have read what was written ! Apparently, there is "NO cooling off period" with DV. So told by BT !.

My area is not supposed to get DV untill 2024-5, Wiltshire !

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

YES, I am aware it more than likely was a scam BUT when it is a stongly worded verbal message ! I thought it wise to check ! Maybe your cleverer than me !. Enjoy your day.

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract


Apparently, there is "NO cooling off period" with DV. So told by BT !.

There's a cooling off period with contractual minimum terms and new promotions, if you switch to a package and you change your mind, you can revert back to the previous package and promotion.
The technology that delivers your telephony service is different, the old PSTN network is closing down, BT are migrating customers in batches, done by a regional area basis, more info Here , when you regrade though this will see the migration brought forward, Openreach have now put a block on ALL PSTN orders to all communication providers, no ISP on the Openreach network can have an order raised, which is why the revert can't put you back on the old technology.

I hope that explains your questions, feel free to reply if you need anything else 🙂

Message 7 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

Hi there Guru,

"There's a cooling off period with contractual minimum terms and new promotions, if you switch to a package and you change your mind, you can revert back to the previous package and promotion ".

" Openreach have now put a block on ALL PSTN orders to all communication providers, no ISP on the Openreach network can have an order raised, which is why the revert can't put you back on the old technology."

I expect you have noticed the contradiction in the terms !

Which means that "OpenReach" is in breach of "Terms of Sale " !.

AND as terms of sale are the resposibilty of the seller.

Then BT is responsible  for sorting this fiasco out !.

Enjoy your day. Rgds.


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Message 8 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

Hi folks,

In reply to item 1,

My original problem !.

I was contacted by Shaun in Inniskillen yesterday.

He said he would be looking into problem ! GREAT.

He would send contact details & Liase with support !.

BUT-BUT-BUT the mail did not arrive ! WOW.

He would look into it, could not understand that mail did not arrive when sent ! maybe part of BT problem !!!

Just because you think you have sent something doesn't mean it is received !!!

BT also said they have RANG/telephone !!! WOW no messages, BUT Shaun is liasing on that item as well !.

It's  good to know that BT has got everything in hand, don't you think ?.

BUT after some 6 weeks I wont hold out, too much hope !.

Rgds, Enjoy your days.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract


I expect you have noticed the contradiction in the terms !

No I've not, if you explain what bit you think is a contradiction, then I'll be happy to explain in more detail.



Which means that "OpenReach" is in breach of "Terms of Sale " !.

No they're not, you have no relationship with Openreach, they have done exactly as BT requested by removing the PSTN, however the product you previously had is no longer sold, the cooling off period refers to the package you have, the price you pay and the minimum term left.
There is nothing in the terms that specifies how the telephony is delivered, whether you have a PSTN, FVA or DV then BT are providing you with a means to make and receive telephone calls, the technology that delivers that service is all priced the same, however 2 of the methods I referenced are no longer sold.



Then BT is responsible  for sorting this fiasco out !.

Yes they are, a revert will put you pack to the package, price and terms you were previously on, the technology delivering your previous service is no longer sold but the terms reference a telephony service, you can still have that.

Message 10 of 10

Re: Digital voice adapter needs new BT contract

Never let the truth get in the way of a good rant.

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