Message 11 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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Private line, on my 'usage' chart on my BT home page.

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Message 12 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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I have just moved to Digital Voice and my account now shows a 0331 number as well as my actual one.

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Message 13 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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I’m not saying it’s the case , but a temporary number may be used to get DV working , something like for a very brief period the 0331 nunber is your DV number and provided on your hub , on the migration day / as you connect your telephone to the DV port on the router , this  temp number is re numbered to your proper  number , so that 0331 number potentially exists for a few minutes during the changeover period , regardless if it doesn’t ‘work’ and there is no charge for it then it’s hardly worth worrying about

Message 14 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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That's interesting.  But why doesn't BT staff know about it?

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Message 15 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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Sadly I worry because nobody seems to have a definitive answer and strange occurrences often mean scammers at work!

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Message 16 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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Unfortunately ( in my opinion ) the walls BT Group have to put up between their various units ( BT Wholesale , Openreach , BT Consumer, ) are to keep the regulator and the competition happy , but it means it’s not likely that BT Consumer will ever be given guidance on technical matters , plus as more and more automation is built in to systems ( also keeps the regulator happy )  , if all communication providers simply press a button and their screens ,  button presser has no idea what  happens after that  , but if all CP’s have the same button on the same screen , then no impropriety can happen between BT and the rest of BT Group 

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Message 17 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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I seem to recall this was raised previously and at that time if I recall correctly, the moderation team checked it out and the number was as you have stated about it being a temporary number used for Digital Voice.

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Message 18 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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It was a thing call BT Smart Talk which allowed you to make VOIP calls on a mobile billed to your landline.

See; BT SmartTalk lets you make calls from your smartphone on your BT landline account


Message 19 of 19

Re: Second phone line I know nothing about!

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Ok, thanks.

Just daft that BT staff are unaware lol.

Think I will close this question then.

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