Message 1 of 16

Truecall Secure

Just moved over to BT for my broadband from EE and had FTTP installed.

With this service they had to migrate my exising phone line to new Digital Voice service. I have elderly parents living with me and they cannot work out how to use the included mobile phone type devices, one has both hearing loss and sight problems, they just want a nomal landline phone. I first of all bought them a new corded handset phone and plugged this into a Digital Voice Adapter, the other phone going upstairs has truecall on it (Decor 2600)

Now only the phone upstairs the Decor 2600 will ring to announce calls from witheld/unrecognised numbers. Not what I want when they are downstairs and cannot pick up. If they pick up downstairs when the phone is not ringing downstairs but it is upstairs all they get is a dial tone!!!!!

I am now attempting to upgrade further and getting the Truecall Secure system, with 3 BT Decor 2200 phones (The one without built in true call.

I plan on putting the three phones into 3 seperate Digital Voice Adapters, with the truecall going into the router directly.

My question is will this work? Will true call block all phones from ringing, answer the phone, put though invited callers etc. i.e. do what it says it would do.

I need something to stop the scam callers trying to con 80 year olds when I am not around.


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Message 2 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

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Message 3 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

DIGITAL VOICE comes with ability to make 2 calls at same time or make a call and receive another so you need to use your DV phone and then settings and turn calls from multi to single

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Message 4 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

Thanks, I changed it from Multi Line to Single Line

Call is made in. All other phones except the Decor ring out once. Then the Decor 2600 picks up the call, the caller gives their name - presses the hash button and only the Decor phone rings to announce the call, the other phones do not ring out. 

If I try to answer the phone on a handset that is not ringing I still cannot pick up the call - I can only pick up the announce call on the Decor 2600 to hear who is calling and decide whether to accept the call or not.

Kind of hoping if I get a dedicated true call device, plug it into the router socket where the phone goes that it will work with the corded phones that will be plugged into the adapters.


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Message 5 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

From other posts people have found that you need to use the old style filter to get the phones in the adapters to ring

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Message 6 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

old style filters? something like this? Dynamode ADSL Micro filter and Splitter Adapter For Broadband

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Message 7 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure


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Message 8 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

Thank you, will give them a try

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Message 9 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

@Justin_UK @imjolly 

I don't think it's an issue with the them needing the bell wire, hence in that situation how a ADSL filter help.

Here the issue is that you have 2 different phones working against each other.

One with truecall and another that doesn't know about it.

What it sounds like is happening is that the phone with truecall is picking up the call and hence the other phones that don't know about it now think the call is being handled by something else.

What you'll need is multiple handsets that can work with one base unit that has truecall. Unfortunately I think only deft based handsets with a base unit that has truecall will work here.

Message 10 of 16

Re: Truecall Secure

So my thinking that if I use a dedicated truecall device, rather than a phone with it built in. Then get seperate plug in phones and put them into the digital voice adapters it will work. To just be certain get the microfilters in case.

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