Noticed the home phone went dead a few days ago. Pick up the phone and there's just no ring tone or anything. The fibre broadband internet seems to work fine, no loss in speed. Strangely when I phone the home line from my mobile then it gives the engaged tone. Bought a new phone and plugged it into the test slot in the main phone socket and still get the same silence. Any ideas what the issue could be?
Forgot to mention this is a normal phone line, not the Digital Voice thing.
is it possible you have been moved to digital voice and need to connect to socket on back of SH2
another possibility although your broadband is still working has the connection speed dropped significantly ? if so suggests you may have a disconnected wire in socket but unlikely if no change when using test socket
There could be a fault on the exchange equipment line circuit , or the E side ( the cable from the exchange to the cabinet ) if you are on FTTC ( fibre to the cabinet ) then your broadband would function as normal with either of these problems.
Report the phone service faulty , NDT ( no dialtone ) that should get an Openreach engineer out to resolve whatever the issue is .
Not been switched to Digital Voice, or at least haven't been told or received anything about. Did notice the Broadband speed seems to have dropped a little bit from 10 meg to 8 meg. Also noticed yesterday during the day that the phone instead of silence was making a consistent clicking noise every 0.5 seconds.