Message 1 of 8

DNS Hijack

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Today an Avast scan said that a "DNS Hijack Found" on my BT Hub. Recommended action was reset the device's DNS settings. As I couldn't find the how to I contacted BT who reset the settings, at least they said they did. I also cleared DNS cache on laptop but a further scan still shows the hijack in place. It lists two addresses, both Brazil based, that are the hijacked domains, neither of which I would ever have cause to visit or use.

So two questions if I may.

1. Is hijacking only a risk if I try to access the addresses listed?

2. Is there an easy way (for non-techie) to fix this?

Thanks in advance. 

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Message 2 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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I suspect that you have been given a false positive from Avast.

You could also download and run the free program adwcleaner which will scan your computer for malware.

If nothing is found and you are using your laptop, disconnect from the hub, ie turn off the wifi and run your Avast scan again to see what if anything it comes up with while not connected to the BT Hub.

While disconnected from your laptop carry out a factory reset of the BT hub by pressing a pin into the recess button on the rear for about 20 seconds. This will restore your hub to factory fresh software.

When your laptop has finished its scan reconnect to the BT hub and log onto it and change the hubs Admin Password. Do not use a frequently used one.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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Thanks.  I've run the anti malware, nothing there. I can't run the Avast when not connected as it's the "Network Inspector" part of Avast and it will only run when connected to a network.

If I do the factory reset on the hub does it retain the admin password that came with the router? I don't want to cut myself off and be unable to get back online.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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@jnev785 wrote:


If I do the factory reset on the hub does it retain the admin password that came with the router? I don't want to cut myself off and be unable to get back online.


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Message 5 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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Message 6 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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I assume you are not using the VPN software that comes with Avast, because oddly enough their own VPN can cause DNS hijack alerts!

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!
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Message 7 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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Not on my home network I'm not. 

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Message 8 of 8

Re: DNS Hijack

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So I completely reset the BT Hub, changed the Admin password and rescanned. Much to my surprise it now said the router was secure but my laptop had a DNS Hijack. Ran the scan twice more and both times it reported fully secure on router and computer. Fingers crossed it has actually worked. Thanks all.

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