Message 1 of 17

Full fibre speed issues

I have had BT broadband for over 20 years and never had any issues whatsoever, the speed was fine at 70mbps. I then changed to full fibre and have major regrets.  Only 5 feet from the router the speed drops from 500mbps to 142mbps. The speed 4 metres away where my sky q box is situated is 3mbps. It means waiting over an hour for a single programme to download. An engineer has visited and said he has never seen this before and had no idea what was wrong. He said I need to wifi discs to boost the signal, these come free with Halo 3plus. However, I was then told by email from BT that the issue was corrected by the engineer and the case was closed. I then sponet 110 minutes on web chat with various people and was told I had halo3  not halo3 plus and that I would have to pay for the discs. I refuse to pay for them as I never had issues before with copper cable so why is it my fault?

I have written to the CEO Philip Jansen and was told someone would contact me within 48 hours , Its now  4 days later and still not heard anything.


been with BT for 46 years and I am now being totally ignored. Anyone else had issues?

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Message 2 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues


The speed is only guaranteed on devices directly connected using an Ethernet connection. Wi-Fi connected devices are not  individually going to get the full speed. A faster Internet connection simply allows more devices to connect with the same speed, without slowing down the network.

Run a speed test using a fast PC directly connected to your home hub, and you should get the full speed.


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Message 3 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

I do know that, but to drop off from 50mbps to just 3mbps only a few feet away is just not acceptable, especially since I had no issues with the copper wire.

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Message 4 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

@Dorsetroyal Wi-Fi speed has nothing to do with either being on a copper connection or full fibre.

Have you changed to a different smarthub? Has that location changed? Has the Wi-Fi channel changed?

Besides all this, as you are complaining about devices so close to the smarthub, then simply connect them via ethernet cable and problem solved.

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Message 5 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

Bt changed the hub. and it is just not practical to run a cable to  the sky q box. My point about the copper and the fibre was that when I had copper I had no issues and the fact that I changed to fibre has now impacted my speeds. 

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

@Dorsetroyal As per previous replies, the Wi-Fi speed has nothing to do with you being changed to full fibre.

As you've now got a new smarthub it would be a good idea to see if it's setup to the best channel and don't forget as your neighbours get moved over to faster Internet the more changes will need to be made to make Wi-Fi better as there are limited channels available.

Your original complaint was that very close devices could not get a good WiFi speed, you should be able to run very short cables without any issues, otherwise please specify why not.

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Message 7 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

As you can guess I am not in anyway an expert. All I wanted from BT was a good download speed at my sky q box which is in another room( stud walls not brick) about 5 metres away. Its not possible to run a cable from the hub to the sky q as the wire would be too visible. The speed sitting right in front of the hub varies from 6.73 to 30, surely that cannot be right? The engineer had no idea what was wrong and did factory resets and I think he changed the band? Surely there is something wrong with the hub?

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Message 8 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

@Dorsetroyal Did you not have discussions with the engineer that installed it where the best place you wanted the smarthub? They could have installed it in the other room for you. When I had my full fibre installed the engineer asked me where I wanted everything and had no issues making sure it was in the same room as my wired network. You can of course get your own router with full fibre (Which I have done), it's one of the main advantages with full fibre and that way it would be better than having the smarthub.

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Message 9 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

yes he did ask where I wanted , I asked for it to be in the same place as the previous hub as my PC connects directly in to the hub.So how can I get good speeds at my sky q box in the other room?

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Message 10 of 17

Re: Full fibre speed issues

the change to fibre from copper will make no difference to your wifi it is most likely the change in hub that is causing problems

can you change the channels to manual select by going to hub manager ( into address bar then go advanced settings then wireless then change settings.  try changing 2.4 channel to say 1 instead of smart and the 5ghz to say 48 and then save and exit.  the channel change will not be a problem to your wifi devices.

SKYQ uses channel 36 and it is best for the hub to be set on a different channel hence try 48.  you can try a wifi analyser on your mobile to find neighbour channels in use and select a different channel if above does not help

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