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Message 1 of 8

Help with setting up Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity in place of BT 6 hub

Hi, tried swapping over to a Vigor 2760n yesterday, thought I had done okay, I was using as the username, tried no password and BT, neither seemed to make a difference.

The router was reporting it was connected with similar up/down stream speeds I would normally see on the BT router. Trouble I had was that the router was not sharing the internet with other devices on the network. The router's DHCP service looked like it had given out appropriate IP addresses and allowed fixed IP's their's as the LAN list was good; just no device could see the internet.

Any ideas why this might be, am I missing something? The gateway was set to the default IP for the router.


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Message 2 of 8

Re: Help with setting up Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity in place of BT 6 hub

Have you set the VLAN?


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Message 3 of 8

Re: Help with setting up Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity in place of BT 6 hub

Hi, yes I think so. I certainly have P1-P3 ticked on VLAN0 and subnet as LAN1

I don't have an option to set a tag ID on this router

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Help with setting up Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity in place of BT 6 hub

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Help with setting up Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity in place of BT 6 hub

Thanks for all the help so far, but still unable to share the internet connection.

The router appears to be connected to the VDSL service, it has an IP, estimated up/down speeds. All local devices are connected and can be pinged, but still can't access the www.

Keith's last link to some setup instructions showed I needed to make a couple of changes, namely the tag being set to 101 and dropping the password from the setup and leaving it blank (I had it set to BT)

Does anyone have any other ideas? Would it be worth calling BT or would they just dismiss me for not using their router

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Message 6 of 8

Still Struggling getting Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity

The router appears to be connected to the VDSL service, it has an IP, estimated up/down speeds. All local LAN devices are connected and can be pinged, but still can't access the www from any device, it's as if the router is not making the final connection.

Is there something in the LAN/Forwarding setup I am missing? Would really like to get this running as the BT Hub 6 drops so regularly I need to know if it's the hub or my connection; BT seem reluctant to investigate.

Any pointers appreciated, thanks

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Still Struggling getting Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity

Hardly surprising BT won't investige as they don't support third party routers.

It would help if you posted screenshots of the set up pages so see if we can spot an error in what you have done.

Are you using the reccommended BT Firmware available HERE?


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Message 8 of 8

Re: Still Struggling getting Vigor 2760n on BT Infinity

BT won't help with their own hub, keep fobbing me off, hence having a go at sorting the issue myself with what I thought was a better router, just having this setup issue.

It is running the very latest BT version of firmware; wrt to screen shots, so many setup pages, where do I start. I'll see what I can put together next time I get chance to have a play. In the meantime with us wfh, need a connection most of the day, but the BT one just drops out for no apparent reason several times a day, hence trying another solution when I get chance to.

So far not impressed by BT support (or lack of), if I don't manage to solve it with help from this forum I'll just sit tight till end of contract and leave I guess. It shouldn't be like that, but what else can you do?

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