Message 11 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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I’m still getting intermittent connection problems to our Wi-Fi from my work laptop, and so is my other half. Managed to connect for work via Bt hotspot, but can’t see why I can’t connect through our Wi-Fi.

Logged on to my hub settings and can see my laptop is on there but showing as offline. I’m checking with IT at work whether the settings look correct but suspect they will say the problem is with my Wi-Fi rather than their device. I could remove the device and try to reconnect afresh…

Any ideas on what to do? 


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Message 12 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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Try changing Wi-Fi mode on the hub. It defaults to mode 1 - try mode 2. 

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Message 13 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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Looks to have worked so far-will try other devices and confirm.

Thanks so much for your help!

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Message 14 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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Be aware; We have 2, new digital BT phones but resetting the hub meant I had to re-assign the phones to the hub but this seems to have erased our phone numbers directories so will have to re-enter them all again. A real PITA & this should not happen IMO!

On the positive side, all our internet devices are now connected & everything appears to be stable.

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Message 15 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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I don't know if the contacts are included in this but you could have carried out a back up of your hub's settings in the hub management pages and then restored the backup after the reset which if they are included would have restored them.

If the original problem resurfaced after restoring the back you could simply do another factory reset.

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Message 16 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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@gg30340 @El-Gringo 

There's a separate backup for contacts in the phone section of the SH2.

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Message 17 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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If your ring stuff etc connects using 2.4GHz, you may want to turn off 5GHz until everything reconnects and then turn 5GHz back on.

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Message 18 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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I’m still getting intermittent connection problems to our Wi-Fi from my work laptop, and so is my other half. Managed to connect for work via Bt hotspot, but can’t see why I can’t connect through our Wi-Fi.

Logged on to my hub settings and can see my laptop is on there but showing as offline. I’m checking with IT at work whether the settings look correct but suspect they will say the problem is with my Wi-Fi rather than their device. I could remove the device and try to reconnect afresh…

Any ideas on what to do? 


Check that your laptop is set for either DHCP addressing or a static address in the range of 192.168.1. (1 - 253) and, if static, that that address doesn't conflict with any other devices on your network.
A static IP of 10.xxx.xxx.xxx works fine on a typical company network but is useless on the typical home network

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Message 19 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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Sorry, can you explain what the "phone section of the SH2" is & how I can access it please?

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Message 20 of 27

Re: No internet on laptops

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Sorry, can you explain what the "phone section of the SH2" is & how I can access it please?

I don't own one so can't be specific, but there's a Phone tab/icon on the home screen of the SH2 web interface at