Message 1 of 18

Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

BT Wi-Fi is turned on on the Smart Hub 2 I have just been sent despite having previously opted out of BT Wi-Fi and it being turned off on the Smart Hub 1 it replaced.  Unfortunately, I have to accept the new Smart Hub 2 as BT is changing me over to digital voice.

I have contacted by phone the BT Wi-Fi technical support but they are absolutely clueless.   There seems to be no way to do it online through My BT -> Your Products-> BT Wi-Fi (https://my.bt.com/s/apps/appsmybt/#/packages) where I am presented with the option to learn more.  I try that to no avail and it just bombs out with  

"Sorry something's gone wrong

There's been a problem while processing your request.
We have registered this problem and will be looking into it shortly."


Can someone help?  I want the BT Wi-Fi turned off on my Smart Hub 2.



Message 2 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

It's a well known problem which the mods on this site have raised time and again. Sorry but there's  ****** all you can do about it, maybe one day BT will sort it out but don't hold your breath whilst waiting

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

I have notified the moderators of the forum about your problem. Once they have read this they may be able to help. They will advise you by posting on this thread.

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

Hi @NicNac

Welcome to the BT Community and thank you for your post!

I am sorry for the problems you're having opting out of BT Wi-fi being broadcast from your Hub.  I have sent you a private message with instructions on how you can send us over your details and we'll look into this for you. See: Private messages



0 Ratings
Message 5 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

The  T's and C's explicitly allow you to opt out of using BT WI-FI and sharing your router:

Things you need to know (BT Broadband customers only)

        8. If you ordered BT Broadband after March 2009 or re-contracted to a BT Broadband service after December 2009 you will have been automatically opted into the free BT Wi-Fi service.
        9. If you ordered BT Broadband before these dates you can still get the free service if you opt in via bt.com/btwifi.
        10. You may opt out of the free BT Wi-Fi service at any time, but if you do this you will lose your unlimited free wi-fi access.
        11. Opting out of the free BT Wi-Fi service means that other BT Wi-Fi users will no longer be able to share the spare bandwidth of your wireless hub.

So despite some advisors say that you can't opt out via My BT you can. Here's how you do it.

First of all Login to you account using https://my.bt.com/ then select "Your products" and scroll down to a section titled "Included in your product" and there should be an item "BT Wi-FI". You really have to scroll down; it is not visible in the top part of the screen. This is a screen grab showing where it is - I've made the text miniscule to be able to get it all in.


Click on "Learn More". You should now get the page displayed that has the option to turn off BT WiFi or if you have opted out already then it gives you the option to turn it on again. 

I've been there and turned it off - what is not clear now is how long this action takes to have any effect. I was expecting to see the BTWiFI SSID disappear from my router but so far this hasn't happened despite my having rebooted the router. I was also able to start negotiating for a new user to start using the service which definitely should not be allowed.

Could we have some informed comment on this please?






0 Ratings
Message 6 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi


there are numerous posts about problems opting out of BTWIFI  https://community.bt.com/t5/Broadband-Extras-Apps-from-BT/Can-not-opt-out-of-BT-Wifi/m-p/2292179

the BTWIFI opt out link is broken and does not work.  BT are aware but fix  seems very low priority

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Message 7 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi


The link did work when I opted out but it seems to be one-way only, meaning that I was unable to opt back in but it just so happened that a couple of hub software updates later the problem seemed to resolve itself with no input from me. Classic X files stuff 👽

0 Ratings
Message 8 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

Thanks for the update. I'll raise a complaint against BT for  not complying with it's terms and conditions. It's pretty clear that they are in breach of them in this instance.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi

Good luck with raising a complaint.  In my experience BT just raise the complaint on your account and then after a few days of ignoring it they just clear it.

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Message 10 of 18

Re: Opt Out of BT Wi-Fi


I have asked forum mods to help you opt out no need to make complaint as problem is well known   mods will post here

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