Hi all,
I've been struggling to get PPPoE working with my new BT FTTP connection. It works flawlessly with the SH2, but when connection the ONT to either my pfSense box or a small TP-Link router (AX1500) it seems that they simply timeout and never get a response when authenticating with the ISP.
I have tried a lot of different things that I found here in the community , including leaving pfSense off during the night and doing a cold boot in the morning. I have also done a fresh install as I moved houses and had already quite a bit of config there.
I'm using the bthomehub@btbroadband.com with BT as password (and tried fiddling with VPN, and other configs). I'm getting without any other ideas, so I need a bit of help and hopefully someone out there would be able to help.
When I moved to this house, I had an old Huawei 4 port ONT which did not work, so they replaced it with a Nokia 10G (G-010G-Q) I believe (single port). Could it be they did some type of locking?
Any ideas or help would be appreciated !
Nope, no locking.
If the SH2 is working there is no problem with the ONT or network build.
Seems odd that both the pfSense and TP Link aren't working though.
It has to be a config setting in those devices, what MTU size have you set?
You don't need to configure a VLAN with FTTP either, that is done by the ONT
On The TP-Link AX1500 on the web configuration page do you have a VLAN enabled and I'm assuming you have it setup in wireless router mode and you're conecting the RJ45 cable from the ONT modem to the WAN port on the TP-Link router?
I believe I have tried default (for pfsense is 1500) and 1470 and 1492.. any other MTU value I could try?
Should be 1492.
Make sure VLAN is set to off.
I'm guessing the setting is IPTV/VLAN? It is off. The other assumptions are also correct.
None of those MTU settings seem to work on either setup (pfsense and tp-link) 😞
pfsense wan config
pfsense PPP logs
(don't mind the log date on the above, I have corrected it and tested)
What firmware is the TP-Link on?
Have you tried its quick set up wizard?