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Message 11 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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AHH thank you 🙂

Unfortunately I have tried this when I first stared experiencing the issues. I have factory reset the TV and used my mobile as a hotspot to download the latest updates so I don't think it's an issue with the TV as it streams just fine when connected wirelessly to my phone 5G network.


I received replacement router today and it hasn't solved the issue.


I will have to call BT again and see what they say will keep this posted updated incase it helps anyone else 🙂

Message 12 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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Do you have a laptop? In windows you can create a Mobile hotspot from your current Wifi network.

It won't be as fast as Wifi from a router... but it is a workaround until you get to the bottom of this problem, and you won't have to eat into any of your 5G data! 

If you have Windows 11 it should be an option in settings, I think Windows 10 has it too.

@OldDog Maybe you can try this one too?

Message 13 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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I don't have a laptop.  I still cant get my head around the fact that someone else had more or less the same problem at the same time. Uncanny! 

I tried contacting BT directly. I do not like the text service with the engineer; I told him that.  It wasn't a fluid chat where I could read his reply and respond at the same time, it kept flickering from window to window. 

I told him the pc was being used for games at the time, it was wired to the the router, and the tv was wireless (it isn't dual band either, only works on 5GHz) and then he asked me if I could move my games console closer to the router... I don't have a games console!! Sorry, I lost the will to carry on with the conversation at that point.  It used to be you could talk to an engineer on the phone, from your own area - I loved that service.
 On the other hand, talking to someone whose accent I don't understand, when I have hearing issues, is very frustrating - I've been there too in the past.

I spoke to a friend who suggested it might be a bandwidth issue? I'm aware of bandwidth but I don't know enough about it to know if that could be a reason.

The BT engineer tested my equipment before I lost the will to carry on, and said that Host 3 was low.  What on earth is Host 3? How do I find that? In the router presumably?  I did download a wifi scanner, but Im an old dog, and you cant teach an old dog new tricks - I was lost, past the point of scanning and finding 5 devices - my PC, my printer, my tv and 2 mobile phones - although I couldn't see which was which.

I need a slate, some chalk and an abacus.

PS - Checkin gthe firmware on the Samsung TV was the very first thing I did.  The apps work fine, provided the PC isnt being used for gaming

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Message 14 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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So I have now reset the router back to factory settings, which has removed all connections and settings, and tried that to see if it worked.  The Samsung television still refuses to permit online streaming when the pc is being used, but I can watch BBC iPlayer when the pc isnt being used.

Is it possible that the power cut has in some way damaged the router?  It has to be something to do with that power cut, because this has only happened since then.

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Message 15 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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I'm really not sure sorry, this is really at the end of the limits of what I know. I think maybe it could have? Not an actual power cut no, but one caused by a storm maybe.

Can you borrow another router to try? You will need the PPPoE password of and password BT to use it.

If another router does not work, I really do not know sorry. It might indicate that more than the router itself was damaged during the power cut/overload, and it might be up to BT now to fix it.

If it does work, you might be able to get a new Smart Hub 2 from BT.  I would also suggest getting an uninterruptible power supply and plugging the router and your most precious devices into it, so that they do not get damaged in further power cuts.

Message 16 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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I've raised it with BT via a complaint. I have read several forums, followed instructions to the letter; it makes no difference. It's actually getting worse, it's now affecting other devices like the iPad. The iPad runs really slowly unless I stand right beside the router. That suggests to me that something is affecting the wifi, for some unknown reason.
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Message 17 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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An update on my issue - having exhausted all options I ended up contacting Samsung tech support.  The engineer was over to remote access my TV and not sure what he did but he fixed the issue.


So it turns out it was something to do with the TV not liking BT WiFi - not sure how or why but if anyone experiences similar issue to mine I hope this information is useful to you.

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Message 18 of 18

Re: TV connection dropping

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As it transpires it was nothing to do with my TV!  A BT Guide contacted me and despite me having factory reset my router from my end, it seems that when he did it from his end, something changed.  It may well be associated with the power cut I had, and whatever I was doing at the time, or it may just have been coincidental, but whatever was reset when BT reset the router, it has worked since.

That maybe doesn't help anyone else to know what caused it though. 

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