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Message 1 of 6

Trying to set up hybrid connect

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ive just had A replacement smart hub two sent to me because my first one stopped connecting to my discs for the first time in over a year.


A replacement smart hub two was sent to me because my first one stopped connecting to my discs all of a sudden. 


The new hub connects to the discs okay and also I’ve managed to connect to the hybrid mini router. However I can’t seem to get a good signal on it even when it’s sitting right next to the hub itself. Is this normal and what does the signal  depend upon? 



on ? 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Trying to set up hybrid connect

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It seems to be indicating the mobile signal it’s receiving, rather than the connection to the smart hub. 

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Trying to set up hybrid connect

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Ok… that would make more sense. So basically EE isn’t any good in our house then? So unbreakable Wi-Fi isn’t going to work ver well for me then … 

Makes sense as I know EE Isn’t the best around here 

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Trying to set up hybrid connect

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A quick test would be to disconnect the Hub from the internet and see if the speeds from the hybrid unit are acceptable to you and what you need to work. Note that it can take quite awhile for the hybrid unit to kick in and work.

I had one when they first came out, and the changeover time was about 10 minutes, so don’t expect instant response, although things might have improved since then. 

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Trying to set up hybrid connect

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The latest advertisement says it should kick in after a couple of minutes max if I recall correctly.

@Burmey You need to connect the hybrid hub to the Smart Hub for set up, but once it is paired (blue light around the BT logo), you can move it to another location, probably near a window, so it can try and get the best 4G signal it can.

Check YouTube, there are a few videos on this.

Message 6 of 6

Re: Trying to set up hybrid connect

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Yeah, roughly two minutes to failover is about right in my experience.


Hybrid connect works perfectly over Wi-Fi to the hub.

I move it to a window sill when needed which improves the signal a lot.
I have mine tucked out of the way connected to the hub by Ethernet normally with a weaker 4g signal knowing I can disconnect the Ethernet and move it to a better 4g signal location connecting to the hub by Wi-Fi if it’s ever needed.

You’ll need to experiment to see what works best for your set up.