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What is a 5C socket, and why do I have two other “primary” sockets in my basement flat?

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Hi all

I am helping my mum renovate her flat. There are a few OpenReach sockets and we are trying to understand the role of each one…


We have a master socket labelled 5C. This has only a phone line. Am I correct in saying we will use a microfilter to split this and provide an internet port?

We also have an unlabelled socket on the other side of the room, with phone line and Ethernet.

Then there is a third socket unlabelled, closest to the main road, with only a phone line.


Presuming we use a microfilter on the master socket - can we just get rid of the other two sockets? They are faded yellow plastic and we have no use for a phone line in those two locations.



Following on from this, what reason would there be for three separate OpenReach sockets? The “flat” is more of a large studio with 1 bedroom and 1 kitchen/lounge area. My urge is to remove the surplus boxes but I wonder why they would be there in the first place?



Separately to this, does a 5C socket only support Fibre (rather than Full Fibre). (Ultrafast Fibre is not available in our area yet).

Thank you.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: What is a 5C socket, and why do I have two other “primary” sockets in my basement flat?

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The master socket should b the first point where the external wiring enters the property & marks the boundary of responsibility. So everything up to & including the master socket is the responsibility of Openreach & everything after, that of the resident. There should only be one per property unless there are multiple lines.

So you need to ascertain where the wiring comes in & to which socket. If in a convenient location, that can be made the master if it isn't already with a filtered faceplate, & the extra sockets removed.

Maybe have a search of YouTube for master socket wiring.

Full Fibre uses completely different technology which will render the master socket obsolete when it's available.

Message 3 of 5

Re: What is a 5C socket, and why do I have two other “primary” sockets in my basement flat?

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The master socket should be the first socket the ‘line’ from outside goes to first , there should only be one master socket , potentially someone has provided another master socket as an extension socket .

If the master socket doesn’t have a phone port and a ‘broadband’ port , that’s what plug in filters were used for , so that there was a place for the phone cord and the router cord …if the ‘master’ socket is in the best location but doesn’t have a broadband outlet, simply get a plug in filter …if you only need one socket , the cabling from the genuine master socket ( the first in line ) can be disconnected from the other sockets .

When FTTP becomes available and purchased, all the existing sockets become redundant, and a powered ONT is provided, that’s what the router connects to .

Message 4 of 5

Re: What is a 5C socket, and why do I have two other “primary” sockets in my basement flat?

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Hi @rbz5416
That is ideal information. Thank you for the guidance.
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Message 5 of 5

Re: What is a 5C socket, and why do I have two other “primary” sockets in my basement flat?

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Hi @iniltous
That is ideal info. Thank you for the guidance.
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