Message 1 of 7


I just wonder why my broadband Wi-Fi drops out occasionally  and the message 'no connection'  appears with no Wi-Fi in settings on my iPad and my iPhone?

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Wifi

Hi @Ted9 

The first question would be whether it's just your WiFi dropping out, or your full internet connection.  Do the lights on your Hub change when this happens on the iPhone/iPad?  If so, that's an internet problem and will likely require BT investigation; if not, it's purely a WiFi problem in your own home.

If it's only a WiFi problem, and it happens intermittently, there are a number of possibilities:

- congestion, ie other users/devices clogging up the WiFi.  Note that this doesn't need to be another user/device in your home, it can be a neighbour.  You can start to investigate this by downoading a WiFi Analyser app to your iPhone - it will show you which channels are busy, and then you can tell your Hub to use a less busy one

- interference from other electrical devices.  In particular, if your devices are connecting to the 2.4GHz frequency, microwave ovens use the same fequency and their power output can completely overwhelm the WiFi (happens to my internet radio in my kitchen regularly when the microwave in the utility room is running).  There's not a lot you can do about the microwave, but if it's another device causing the problem, replacing a power supply or moving it to a different location might help.

- changing WiFi bands.  BT Hubs run two WiFi bands, one at 2.4GHz, and one at 5GHz.  The 2.4GHz has longer range and better wall penetration, but offers lower data rates (and see above re microwaves).  The 5GHz offers higher data rates, but less range and is less able to penetrate walls and other obstructions.  Your device chooses which one to connect to - it's possible your device is originally choosing 5GHz, then losing the connection - it should ideally then switch to 2.4 GHz, but they don't always behave ideally.  You don't mention which Hub you have - on earlier Hubs (before the SH2) it's possible to separate the two bands so that you can choose which one your device connects to.

Good luck!

[EDIT: typos]

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Wifi

Thanks for the info, shame the BT ENGINEERS didn't tell me all this
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Message 4 of 7

Re: Wifi 5ghz

How does one change the wifi connection from 2.4ghz to 5ghz?

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Wifi 5ghz

With a Smart Hub 2, your device decides which band to use  as both bands have the same SSID.

You can force devices to use one band or the other only by turning off the band not required.

If you have an earlier Hub, you can give the 2 bands different SSIDs and hence connect to whichever you require.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Wifi 5ghz

Thank you, I will see if BT can help remotely as I am not technical.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Wifi 5ghz

BT won't really be able to help as you need to experiment to find out the cause of your problems. It will involve a certain amount of trial and error.

There is nothing too technical to making the necessary changes. If you post which version of hub you have, we can give step by step instructions for various things to try.

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